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♂ Mathew
What does Mathew mean?
Mathew ▼ as a name for boys is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Mathew is "gift of God". Mathew is a version of Matthew (Hebrew).
VARIANTS Matthiew, Matthieu, Mathieu, Matheu
RELATED FORMS VIA MATTHEW Madteo, Madtheos, Mat▼, Mata, Mateo▲, Mateus, Mathe, Mathian, Mathias▲, Matias▲, Matico, Mats, Matt▼, Matteo▲, Mattheus, Matti, Mattie, Mattieu, Matty, Matvey, Matyas, Matz
Mathew Grant (M.G.), ..
How popular is Mathew?
Mathew is a very popular first name for males (#241 out of 1220, Top 20%) and also a very popular last name for both adults and children (#3509 out of 150436, Top 2%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Mathew reached its apex rank of #148 in the U.S. in the year 1990, and is at #577 presently. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)
Which version is better?
Popular alternative forms of Mathew (#577 IN RECENT RANKINGS) listed in the Top 2000 are Mat, Mateo (#37), Mathias (#398), Mathieu, Matias (#201), Matt, Matteo (#196), Matthew (#20) and Mattie. Other variants, like Mateus, are seldom used. Adoption of these forms of Mathew was more pronounced among parents during the years 1980-1989 (USAGE OF 2.6%) and is somewhat lower today (USAGE 1.3%, DOWN 50%). Matthew is the longstanding favorite, though Mateo has gained in popularity, while forms like Mat have become less contemporary.
Similar Names
Recommended sound-alike names are Carew, Lathen, Mabrey, Mace, Maceo, Macey, Macgee, Macghee (see Magee), Machen, Machent, Machin, Machon, Mackey, Magee, Magnes, Mahesh, Mahir, Maier, Maither, Majed, Majeed, Majer, Malden, Maleek, Maleeq, Malek, Mallen, Mandel, Mandrew, Manheim, Manlea (see Manley), Manley, Manoel, Mansel, Manten (see Manton), Manuel▼, Manvel, Marcel▲, Mardel, Marden, Marek, Mareo, Markel, Markey, Marlea, Marlen, Marley▲, Marlow, Marmer, Martel, Marten, Martie, Marve, Marvel, Marven, Maslen, Massen, Massey, Mather, Matther, Maureo, Maxey, Maxie, Mayeer, Mayer, Mayes, Mayhew, Mayne, Miche, Michel▼, Mitchel▼, Moshe▲, Mosheh and Nathen▼. These names tend to be less commonly used than Mathew.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]