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♂ Matyas
What does Matyas mean?
Matyas as a boys' name has its root in Hebrew, and the meaning of Matyas is "gift of God". Matyas is a version of Matthew (Hebrew).
VARIANTS Mattias, Mattaus, Mattaeus, Matias▲, Mateus, Madteos
OTHER FORMS VIA MATTHEW Mat▼, Mata, Mateo▲, Mateusz, Mathe, Matheu, Mathew▼, Mathian, Mathias▲, Matico, Mats, Matt▼, Matteo▲, Matthaus, Matthias▲, Matti, Mattie, Matty, Matvey, Matz
Matyas Kameron (M.K.), ..
How popular is Matyas?
Matyas is an uncommon given name for men but a very popular last name for both adults and children (#20436 out of 150436, Top 14%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Popular variation forms of Matyas (NOT RANKED) rated in the Top 2000 are Mat, Mateo (#37 FROM RECENT DATA), Mateusz, Mathew (#577), Mathias (#398), Matias (#201), Matt, Matteo (#196), Matthew (#20), Matthias (#407), Mattias (#1391) and Mattie. Other forms, like Mattaeus, are uncommon. Adoption of these relations of Matyas was more pronounced among parents in the 1980s (MEDIAN #1431) and is somewhat less today (#935, DOWN 48%). Matthew is more widely used than the rest, though Matthias has grown popular as well over time, while versions like Matthew have lost favor. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)
Similar Names
Recommended sound-alike names are Amyas, Atlas▲, Attlas, Dallas▲, Darias, Elyas, Ilyas, Macrae, Macy, Mads, Magal, Magnes, Magnus▲, Magus, Makai▲, Makar, Maks, Malak, Malcam, Malkam, Mandan, Manoa, Manoah, Manual, Manus, Marcas, Marcos, Marcus▼, Marius, Markos, Markus, Marlan, Mars, Marty▼, Martyn, Masos, Matanya, Mather, Maurus, Maxy, Mayer, Mayes, Mayne, Mayo, Mayor, Mays, Tamas, Tamhas, Vitas and Wallas. These names tend to be more frequently used than Matyas.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]