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♂ Mayhew
What does Mayhew mean?
Mayhew as a boys' name is of Old French and Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Mayhew is "gift of God". Variant of Matthew.
RELATED FORMS VIA MATTHEW Madteo, Mateo▲, Mathe, Matheu, Mathew▼, Mathieu, Matteo▲, Matthiew, Matvey
Mayhew Josh (M.J.), ..
How popular is Mayhew?
Mayhew is a rare first name for men but a very popular surname for all people (#3718 out of 150436, Top 2%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Prominent varying forms of Mayhew (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) are Mateo (#37 LAST YEAR), Mathew (#577), Mathieu, Matteo (#196) and Matthew (#20). Usage of these relations of Mayhew reached its most widespread during 1980-1989 (MEDIAN #1121) and is now significantly diminished (#566, DOWN 55.7%). Matthew has historically been the top pick of parents, though Matteo has become popular as well, while versions like Matthew have lost favor. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Suggested similar-sounding names are Carew, Mabrey, Maceo, Macey, Macgee, Macghee (see Magee), Machen, Machent, Machin, Machon, Mackey, Magee, Magnes, Mahesh, Mahir, Maier, Maither, Majed, Majeed, Majer, Maleek, Maleeq, Malek, Mallen, Mandel, Mandrew, Manheim, Manlea (see Manley), Manley, Mansel, Manten (see Manton), Manuel▼, Manvel, Marcel▲, Mardel, Marek, Mareo, Markel, Markey, Marlea, Marlen, Marley▲, Marlow, Marmer, Martel, Marten, Marve, Marvel, Maslen, Massen, Massey, Mather, Matther, Maureo, Maxey, Maxie, Maybery (see Mabry), Maybrey, Mayeer, Mayer, Mayes, Mayne, Maynor, Mayo, Mayor, Mays, Meyer▼, Miche, Michel▼, Mosheh, Moyses, Myer, Myke, Mykel and Myles▲. These names tend to be more commonly used than Mayhew.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]