Home > Milan


What does Milan mean?

Milan Pronunciation of Milan as a boys' name is of Slavic origin, and the meaning of Milan is "gracious, dear". Also nickname for Aemilianus. Usage in European languages is derived from Emiliano, a Latin family name from ancient Rome meaning "eager, laborious" or "rival". In Hindi it is derived from a Sanskrit expression meaning "a coming together". The northern Italian city of Milan takes its name from a Celtic word meaning "mid-plain". Also form of Miles.


ASSOCIATED WITH gracious, ancient (old), eager (faithful), rival (war)


(male) Melan, ..

(female) Mien, ..

Milan Hadi (M.H.), ..

How popular is Milan?

Milan is a somewhat popular first name for males (#1106 out of 1220, Top 91%) and an even more popular surname for both adults and children (#5960 out of 150436, Top 4%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)

Milan reached its peak rank of #411 in the U.S. in 2014, and is presently at #450. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Milan name in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Milan outside U.S.

Which version is better?

Prominent varying forms of Milan (#450 FROM CURRENT RECORDS) are Emiliano (#190) and Miles (#98). These relations of Milan were at the peak of their popularity in 2018 (AVERAGE #246). Emiliano, Milan and Miles are three of the more trendy boy names among these.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Milan, Emiliano, Miles in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Miles outside U.S.

Similar Names

Milan is alike in pronunciation to Mahlon, Malin, Mallen, Mallin, Mallon, Mellan, Mellen, Mellin, Mellon, Melwin, Melwyn and Millen. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Aidan, Ailean, Aitan, Allan, Arlan, Aslan, Calan, Colan, Dalan, Dilan, Dillan, Dolan, Dylan, Eian, Eidan, Eilan, Eilean, Eilian, Eitan, Elan, Felan, Fillan, Finan, Galan, Gian, Gilean, Gilian, Gillan, Gilman, Ilan, Jalan, Jian, Jivan, Kalan, Keilan, Kelan, Kian, Kiean, Kilean, Kiran, Kylan, Man, Marlan, Meldan, Micah, Midian, Mihai, Mikal, Milbank, Millar, Mills, Milt, Milten (see Milton), Miltin (see Milton), Miron, Neilan, Nisan, Orlan, Rian, Rylan, Silvan, Tilman and Wylan. These names tend to be less frequently used than Milan.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
