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♂ Montes
What does Montes mean?
Montes as a name for boys is a version of Monte: contraction of Montague and Montgomery.
RELATED FORMS VIA MONTE Montae, Montay, Montel, Montie, Montrel, Montrell, Monty▼
Montes Waylen (M.W.), ..
How popular is Montes?
Montes is a rare first name for men but a very popular last name for both adults and children (#901 out of 150436, Top 1%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Popular variation forms of Montes (NOT RANKED) are Monte (#1796 VIA LATEST LIST), Montel, Montez, Montie, Montrel, Montrell and Monty. Other forms, like Montae, are uncommon. Usage of these relations of Montes was common among parents during 1960-1969 (AVERAGE #1465) and has become much reduced since, with versions such as Monte becoming somewhat outmoded. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Montes is pronounced similarly to Montez. Other recommended sound-alike names are Cortes, Denies, Dennes, Donte▼, Dontey, Ennes, Estes, Forbes, Hannes, Hobbes, Hodges, Ines, Innes, Ioannes, Joannes, Jones, Jonte, Jontez, Kortes, Madteo, Madteos, Mandel, Manlea (see Manley), Manoel, Manten (see Manton), Manuel▼, Martel, Marten, Mats, Mendel, Mentor, Milten (see Milton), Minos, Minster, Moe, Moise, Moises▲, Monro, Monroe▼, Montae, Montagew, Montagu, Montana, Montane, Montaro, Montay, Monte▼, Montel, Montie, Montrel, Montrell, Monty▼, Moore, More, Morey, Morgen, Moriel, Morlee, Morley, Morrel, Morrey, Morris▼, Morse, Morten, Morven, Mosaed, Mose▼, Moses▼, Moshe▲, Mosheh, Mouneer, Moyses, Mozes and Muneer. These names tend to be more frequently used than Montes.