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♂ Morrice
What does Morrice mean?
Morrice as a name for boys has its root in Latin, and Morrice means "dark-skinned, Moorish". Morrice is a variant form of Maurice (Latin).
VARIANTS Morriss, Morris▼, Moriz, Moris, Morice, Maurus, Maurise
OTHER FORMS VIA MAURICE Maurie, Moricz, Morino, Moritz, Morrel, Morrey, Morrill
Morrice Calder (M.C.), ..
How popular is Morrice?
Morrice is an uncommon first name for men but a very popular last name for all people (#67522 out of 150436, Top 45%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Popular variation forms of Morrice (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) ranked in the Top 2000 are Maurice (#670 FROM CURRENT RECORDS) and Morris (#1565). These relations of Morrice were popular as birth names during 1910-1919 (ADOPTION OF 0.4%) and have become much less conventional since, with versions like Morris falling out of fashion. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Suggested similar-sounding names are Brice▼, Corrick, Corrie, Curtice, Dorrance, Fabrice, Horace▼, Lorance, Lorence, Lorrence, Markise, Markize, Marriner, Martie, Mavrick, Mcbride, Merce, Merrick▲, Merrik, Merril, Merrill▼, Merritt, Meyrick, Moise, Monroe▼, Montie, Moore, More, Morfin, Morfinn (see Morven), Mori, Moriel, Morio, Morlee, Morrell, Morrgan, Morrie, Morrison, Morrley (see Morley), Morrow, Morrowe (see Murrow), Morry, Morse, Mortimer, Mosie, Murfie (see Murphy), Myrick, Norrie, Patrice, Price, Roice, Rorric, Torence, Torrance, Torrence, Torrie and Yorrick. These names tend to be more frequently used than Morrice.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]