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♂ Morrill
What does Morrill mean?
Morrill as a boys' name is a Latin name, and the meaning of Morrill is "dark-skinned, Moorish". Morrill is a variant form of Maurice (Latin).
OTHER FORMS VIA MAURICE Morice, Moricz, Morino, Moris, Moritz, Moriz, Morrey, Morrice, Morris▼, Morriss
Morrill Dimitri (M.D.), ..
How popular is Morrill?
Morrill is an uncommonly occurring given name for males but a very prominent surname for both adults and children (#4396 out of 150436, Top 3%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Maurice (#670 IN 2018) and Morris (#1565) are the prominent alternative forms of Morrill (OUTSIDE TOP 2000). Adoption of these forms of Morrill reached its peak during the years 1910-1919 (MEDIAN #98) and is now much lower (#1117, 92.5% LESS USAGE), with forms such as Maurice becoming less stylish. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Morrill is alike in pronunciation to Meril, Merill, Merrel, Merrell, Merril, Merrill▼, Morell, Moriel, Morrell and Muriel. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Averill, Avrill, Burrell, Carroll▼, Cordell▼, Coryell, Cyrill, Darrill (see Darrel), Darroll, Darryll, Derrell, Derrill, Dorrell, Durrell, Erroll, Farrill, Farryll, Ferrell, Ferrill, Gerrall (see Jerrell), Gerrell, Gorrell, Harwill (see Hartwell), Jerrall, Jerrell▼, Jerrill, Jerroll, Jordell, Jorrell, Kirill, Kordell, Manvill (see Manville), Marcell, Markell, Marvell, Marzell, Mcneill, Merritt, Montrell, Moorly, Morfinn (see Morven), Mori, Morly, Morrgan, Morrie, Morrison, Morrley (see Morley), Morrow, Morrowe (see Murrow), Morry, Norvell, Norvill, Sherrill, Sorrell, Tarrall (see Terrell), Terrall, Terrell▼, Terrill, Terryll, Tirrell, Torkill, Traill, Tyrrell, Verrill and Verroll. These names tend to be more commonly used than Morrill.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]