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♂ Morrisson
What does Morrisson mean?
Morrisson as a boys' name is of Latin derivation, and the meaning of Morrisson is "dark-skinned, Moorish". Morrisson is an alternate spelling of Morris (Latin): anglicization of Maurice.
VARIANT Morrison
Morrisson Jamel (M.J.), ..
How popular is Morrisson?
Morrisson is an uncommonly occurring first name for males but a very prominent surname for all people (#63297 out of 150436, Top 42%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Prominent varying forms of Morrisson (NOT RANKED) are Morris (#1565 FROM RECENT DATA) and Morrison (#1921). These relations of Morrisson reached the apex of their popularity a century ago (AVERAGE #938) and are now much less popular, with the version Morris falling out of fashion. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Recommended sound-alike names are Adisson (see Addison), Alisson, Bronsson (see Bronson), Carlsson, Coridon (see Corydon), Corridon, Criston, Darrion▼, Dorion, Elisson, Ericson, Erikson, Fergusson, Garretson, Garrison, Garrisson, Harrison▲, Harrisson, Hopkinson, Karlsson, Larsson, Lauriston, Maddison, Madison▼, Madisson, Magnusson, Marion▼, Markiss, Marmion, Marrinor (see Marriner), Marsdon, Marshon, Marston, Masson, Meirion, Morfin, Morfinn (see Morven), Morino, Morio, Moris, Morrgan, Morrice, Morrie, Morrill, Morriss, Morrow, Morton▼, Pearsson, Piersson, Robbinson, Robinson, Thorsson, Tomlinson, Torion, Torston, Triston▼ and Wriston. These names tend to be more frequently used than Morrisson.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]