Home > Nikolas


What does Nikolas mean?

Nikolas Pronunciation of Nikolas as a boys' name is of Greek derivation, and the name Nikolas means "people of victory". Nikolas is a variant form of Nicholas (Greek).


ASSOCIATED WITH greek, victory


VARIANTS Nikolos, Nikolaus, Nikkolas, Nicolis, Nicolaus, Nicolas, Nicolaas, Nickolaus, Nickolas

ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA NICHOLAS Colas, Nicholai, Nicholaus, Nichols, Nicklas, Nicol, Nicola, Nicolai, Nicolao, Nicolay, Nicolet, Nicoli, Nicoll, Nicolls, Nicolo, Niels, Nikita, Nikkolay, Niklaas, Niklas, Niklos, Nikolai, Nikolay, Nikos, Nilos, Nils



Nikolas Bridger (N.B.), ..

How popular is Nikolas?

Nikolas is an uncommon given name for men but a very popular last name for all people (#60706 out of 150436, Top 40%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)

Nikolas entered the list in 1970-1979 and reached its top position of #285 in the U.S. in 1998, and is currently at #553. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Nikolas name in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Nikolas outside U.S.

Which version is better?

Popular alternative forms of Nikolas (#553 FROM CURRENT RECORDS) are Nicholas (#74), Nicholaus, Nichols, Nicklas, Nickolas (#841), Nickolaus, Nicola, Nicolai, Nicolas (#192), Nicolaus, Niels, Nikita (#1884), Niklas, Nikolai (#479), Nikolaus and Nils. These forms of Nikolas were favored in 1995 (AVERAGE #1388) and are now much less widespread (#1530, 73.4%), with versions like Nickolas becoming less in vogue. Nicholas is more widely used than the rest, although Nicolas appears to be gaining popularity too.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Nikolas, Nicholas, Nicholaus, Nichols, Nicklas in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Nickolas, Nickolaus, Nicola, Nicolai, Nicolas in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Nicolaus, Niels, Nikita, Niklas, Nikolai in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Nikolaus, Nils in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Nicholas, Nicolas, Niklas, Nils outside U.S.

Similar Names

Suggested similar-sounding names are Bialas, Nicos, Niko, Nikodim, Niles, Nolan and Silas. These names tend to be more frequently used than Nikolas.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
