Home > Olyn


What does Olyn mean?

Olyn Pronunciation of Olyn as a boys' name is an English name. Olyn is a variant form of Olin (English): variant spelling of Olaf.






Olyn Kendrick (O.K.), ..

How popular is Olyn?

Olyn is an uncommonly occurring first name for males. Olyn is an unusual surname too for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)

Which version is better?

Prominent related forms of Olyn (UNLISTED) are Olin (#1518 FROM CURRENT RECORDS) and Olen. These forms of Olyn were at the apex of their popularity 108 years ago (AVERAGE #452) and have become significantly less common since, with forms like Olin going out of style. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Olen, Olin in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Olyn and related baby names outside U.S.

Similar Names

Olyn is pronounced similarly to Alann, Alen, Alin, Allan, Allen, Alleyn, Allin, Allon, Aloin, Alon, Alwin, Alwyn, Alwynn, Alyn, Eilon, Eilwyn, Elan, Elian, Elwyn, Ilan, Ilon, Olen, Olin, Walwyn and Welwyn. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Albyn, Alvyn, Amyn, Arlyn, Boyn, Bryn, Colyn, Dalyn, Deyn, Edyn, Elvyn, Emlyn, Evyn, Flyn, Galyn, Glyn, Gwyn, Lyn, Nolyn, Odin, Odon, Ola, Olaf, Olav, Ole, Oleg, Olle, Olof, Olov, Oran, Oren, Orin, Orlan, Orlin, Oron, Oryon, Ostyn, Oswyn, Otys, Owen, Owin, Owynn, Wayn and Wyn. These names tend to be more commonly used than Olyn.
