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♂ Phinehas
What does Phinehas mean?
Phinehas as a name for boys is an alternate spelling of Phineas: possibly from the Hebrew name Pinchas.
RELATIONS VIA PHINEAS Fineas, Pincas, Pinchas, Pinchos, Pinhas
Phinehas Sky (P.S.), ..
How popular is Phinehas?
Phinehas is a rare first name for men. Phinehas is an equivalently unique surname too for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Phineas (#1332 IN RECENT RANKINGS) is the only prominent variation form of Phinehas (NOT RANKED) ranked in the Top 2000. Other forms, like Pinchas, are uncommon. This form of Phinehas was at the top of its popularity in 2018 (#1332). (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Recommended sound-alike names are Aeneas, Aenneas, Aineas, Aineias, Ainneas, Aonghas, Barnebas, Eneas, Enneas, Fineas, Paine, Phelan, Phelps, Philemon, Philips, Phillips, Phinean, Phineas, Phinian, Phipps, Phips (see Phipps), Phoebus, Phons (see Alphonse), Piers, Pincas, Pinchas, Pinchos, Pincus, Pinhas, Pinkus, Ponthos, Ponthus and Proinsias. Like Phinehas, these names are not commonly used.