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♂ Randal
What does Randal mean?
Randal ▼ as a name for boys has its root in Old German, and the meaning of the name Randal is "wolf shield". Randal is a version of Randall (Old German): from Randwulf. Randal is also a form of Randolph (Old German).
VARIANTS Rendell, Rendall, Randle, Randl, Randell▼, Randel, Randale
RELATED FORMS VIA RANDALL, RANDOLPH Rand, Randey, Randie, Randolf, Randon, Randy▼, Ranolf
Randal Saint (R.S.), ..
How popular is Randal?
Randal is a very popular first name for men (#477 out of 1220, Top 39%) and also a very popular surname for all people (#26717 out of 150436, Top 18%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Randal was first listed in 1900-1909 and reached its highest position of #221 in the U.S. in the 1950s, but is not in the list currently. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Prominent variation forms of Randal are Randy (#673 FROM RECENT DATA), Randall (#997), Rand, Randel, Randell, Randie, Randle, Randolf, Randolph and Randon. Other forms, like Randale, are uncommon. Adoption of these forms of Randal was widespread 68 years ago (USAGE OF 1.06%) and has become much less since (USAGE 0.03%, DOWN 97%).
Similar Names
Randal▼ is pronounced similarly to Rondale. Other recommended sound-alike names are Ardal, Cathal, Conal, Connal, Crandal, Danal, Daneal, Danial, Danyal, Darral, Donal, Emanual, Faycal, Fidal, Fingal, Gamal, Jalal, Jamaal▼, Jamal▼, Jammal, Kamal, Kendal, Landan, Lindal, Mandan, Mandel, Manual, Migdal, Natal, Oneal, Pascal, Racham, Rad, Radd, Radek, Radly, Radwan, Rafa, Rafal, Rafel, Raffael, Raham, Raja, Rajah, Rajan, Rama, Ramsay, Ramzan, Ranald, Rancel, Rancell, Randi, Rane, Ranell, Range, Ranger, Ranier, Rankin, Ransly (see Ransley), Raoul, Raphael▲, Rashad▼, Rashae, Ravel, Raynald, Raynar, Raynell, Renat, Rodas, Roldan, Ronal, Ronan▲, Royal▲ and Roydan. These names tend to be less frequently used than Randal.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]