Home > Raven

Raven (boy)

What does Raven mean?

Raven Pronunciation of Raven as a boys' name (also used more generally as girls' name Raven) is of English origin. Name of the large black bird related to the crow. Suitable for a black-haired or dark-skinned baby.


ASSOCIATED WITH bird, crow (raven)


VARIANTS Ravinn, Rayven, Rayvin

(male) Razen, ..

(female) Raie, ..

Raven Yeshua (R.Y.), ..

How popular is Raven?

Raven is an uncommonly occurring first name for males but a very prominent surname for all people (#9456 out of 150436, Top 6%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)

Raven entered the list in 1990 and reached its peak rank of #813 in the U.S. in 1999, but is not ranked at the moment. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Raven name in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Raven outside U.S.

Similar Names

Raven is alike in pronunciation to Reuven and Rouvin. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Aaren, Beaven, Beven, Caden, Craven, Dagen, Dalen, Damen, Daren, Daven, Davien, Davyen, Deven, Draven, Eaden, Eagen, Even, Galen, Galven, Garen, Garven, Gaven, Haden, Hagen, Haven, Hazen, Irven, Jacen, Jaden, Jalen, Jasen, Jayven, Jeaven, Jeven, Kaden, Kagen, Keven, Laken, Laren, Naren, Neven, Niven, Paten, Rabee, Radek, Rafe, Rafee, Rafel, Rafer, Raiden, Rajan, Ramey, Ramon, Rane, Ravee, Ravel, Ravi, Raye, Raylen, Reave, Reve, River, Rives, Rover, Rowen, Rozen, Ruben, Ryen, Sven, Talen, Taren, Valen and Ziven. These names tend to be more frequently used than Raven.
