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♂ Redford
What does Redford mean?
Redford as a boys' name is of Old English origin, and the meaning of Redford is "red ford". Place name made famous by actor Robert Redford.
ASSOCIATED WITH old english, red, ford (river), famous
VARIANTS Radford, Radfurd, Redfurd
Redford Denzel (R.D.), ..
How popular is Redford?
Redford is an uncommonly occurring first name for males but a very prominent last name for both adults and children (#10277 out of 150436, Top 7%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Radford is the only popular related form of Redford (NOT RANKED). This form of Redford reached the top of its popularity in the 1920s. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Redford is alike in pronunciation to Radferd. Other recommended sound-alike names are Aldford (see Alford), Alford▼, Allford, Ashford, Bedford, Beuford, Bradford▼, Bufford, Buford▼, Burford, Byford, Clyford (see Clifford), Elford, Ellford (see Elford), Gifford, Gilford, Gyfford (see Gifford), Halford, Hanford, Harford, Huxford, Jefford, Lawford, Lindford, Linford, Lynford, Meadford (see Medford), Medford, Milford▼, Mitford, Orford, Oxford, Oxxford (see Oxford), Radborn (see Radburn), Radmond (see Redmond), Radnor, Ransford, Rayford, Raynord, Redd, Redmond, Redmund (see Redmond), Reeford, Reinold, Renard, Renfred, Rennard, Rexford, Reymond, Reynard, Reynold, Rockford, Rudyard, Rufford (see Ruford), Ruford, Rumford, Rushford, Safford, Sandford, Sanford▼, Staford, Telford, Tilford, Twyford, Walford, Warford, Welford, Wellford, Wilford▼ and Wynford. These names tend to be more commonly used than Redford.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]