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♂ Reid
What does Reid mean?
Reid ▲ as a boys' name (also used less generally as girls' name Reid) is pronounced reed. It is of Old English origin, and the meaning of Reid is "near the reeds; red-haired". Place name.
ASSOCIATED WITH old english, reeds (meadow), red
VARIANTS Read, Reade, Reed▲, Redd
Reid Aldo (R.A.), ..
How popular is Reid?
Reid is a somewhat popular first name for men (#812 out of 1220, Top 67%) and an even more popular surname for all people (#263 out of 150436, Top 1%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Reid reached its apex rank of #255 in the U.S. in the year 2016, and is at #288 presently. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
The only other prominent variation form of Reid (#288 A YEAR AGO) is Reed (#375). These forms of Reid reached the apex of their popularity less than a decade ago (USAGE OF 0.13%) and are almost as common today (USAGE 0.12%, ▼12.9%). Reed is a constant favorite, though Reid is now the top form.
Similar Names
Reid▲ is pronounced similarly to Rad, Radd, Reide, Reyd, Riyad, Rod▼, Rodd and Rudd. Other recommended sound-alike names are Abid, Amid, Bid, Boid, Cid, Ovid, Rai, Rain, Rand, Rees, Reg, Regin, Regis, Rei, Reigh, Reis, Reizo, Remi, Remie, Remo, Remy▲, Ren, Rene▼, Reno, Reo, Reve, Rex▼, Rey▲, Ric, Rik, Rio, Rip, Roi, Said and Sid. These names tend to be less commonly used than Reid.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]