Home > Rickie

Rickie (boy)

What does Rickie mean?

Rickie Pronunciation of Rickie as a name for boys (also used as girls' name Rickie) is an Old Norse, Old German and English name, and Rickie means "complete ruler; powerful leader". Rickie is a variant form of Aric (Old Norse): version of Eric. Rickie is also a form of Broderick: transferred use of the surname. Rickie is also used as a variant of Richard (Old German), and a form of Rick (English).


ASSOCIATED WITH norse, ruler (king), powerful, leader


VARIANTS Rikky, Rikki, Rikke, Riki, Rico, Ricky, Ricki, Rickey, Ricco

ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA ARIC, BRODERICK, RICHARD, RICK Dick, Dickie, Dicky, Ric, Ricard, Ricci, Rich, Richie, Rickard, Rickert, Rik, Rikk, Rique, Ritchie

FEMININE FORMS Erica, Richelle



Rickie Rodolfo (R.R.), ..

How popular is Rickie?

Rickie is a somewhat prominent first name for men (#657 out of 1220, Top 54%) but an unusual surname for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)

Rickie was first listed in 1940-1949 and reached its peak position of #253 in the U.S. during the years 1950-1959, but is not ranked currently. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Rickie name in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Rickie outside U.S.

Which version is better?

Richard (#188 IN RECENT RANKINGS), Ricky (#681), Rico (#1353), Broderick (#1425), Rick (#1872), Ricki, Rickey, Rickard, Aric, Richie, Rich, Ricco, Ricci, Ric, Dicky, Dickie, Dick and Ritchie are the prominent varying forms of Rickie appearing in the Top 2000. Adoption of these relations of Rickie was at its apex 78 years ago (MEDIAN #1203) and is now significantly reduced (#1764, DOWN 95%), with versions such as Dickie becoming somewhat dated.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Rickie, Aric, Broderick, Dick, Dickie in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Dicky, Ric, Ricci, Ricco, Rich in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Richard, Richie, Rick, Rickard, Rickey in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Ricki, Ricky, Rico, Ritchie in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Richard, Rickard outside U.S.

Similar Names

Rickie is alike in pronunciation to Rocko and Rocky. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Acie, Acklie, Archie, Berkie, Billie, Birkie (see Birkey), Birlie, Birnie, Buckie, Chuckie, Cookie, Finlie, Hecie, Heckie, Hillie, Hocklie (see Hockley), Ikie, Jackie, Jakie, Jimmie, Kirbie, Kirklie (see Kirkley), Lacie, Linnie, Mackie, Miltie, Nickie, Rabbie, Rachim, Raice, Randie, Rankin, Rankine, Reggie, Remie, Renke, Rennie, Rice, Richy, Rickwerd (see Rickward), Ridge, Rike, Riker, Rinji, Rislee (see Risley), Robbie, Roche, Rocio, Rock, Rocklee, Rockley, Rocklin, Rockly (see Rockley), Roddie, Rodnie, Roice, Rollie, Ronnie, Rorke, Rudie, Sachie, Sivnie (see Sivney), Skie, Vinnie, Wilkie, Willie, Willkie and Zackie. These names tend to be less commonly used than Rickie.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
