Home > Rodrigues


What does Rodrigues mean?

Rodrigues Pronunciation of Rodrigues as a name for boys has its root in Old German, and the meaning of the name Rodrigues is "famous power". Rodrigues is a variant form of Roderick (Old German): Germanic name from hrod "fame".


ASSOCIATED WITH famous, power


VARIANT Rodriguez

RELATED FORMS VIA RODERICK Rodrigo, Rodrigue, Rodrique, Rodriquez



Rodrigues Haven (R.H.), ..

How popular is Rodrigues?

Rodrigues is an uncommon first name for males but a very popular last name for both adults and children (#1204 out of 150436, Top 1%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)

Which version is better?

Rodrigo (#500 A YEAR AGO), Roderick (#1357), Rodriguez and Rodriquez are the popular related forms of Rodrigues (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) listed in the Top 2000. These forms of Rodrigues reached the height of their popularity 11 years ago (MEDIAN #1282) and are somewhat less popular today. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Roderick, Rodrigo, Rodriguez, Rodriquez in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Rodrigues and related baby names outside U.S.

Similar Names

Suggested similar-sounding names are Andries, Hodges, Roddie, Roderigo, Rodge, Rodger, Rodnie, Rodric, Rodrick, Rodrik and Rudiger. These names tend to be more frequently used than Rodrigues.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
