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♂ Romain
What does Romain mean?
Romain as a boys' name has its root in Latin, and the name Romain means "citizen of Rome". Romain is a French form of Roman (Latin): version of Romanus.
RELATED FORMS VIA ROMAN Romanes, Romano, Romanos, Romanus, Rome
Romain Terry (R.T.), ..
How popular is Romain?
Romain is an uncommon given name for males but a very popular surname for all people (#11818 out of 150436, Top 8%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Prominent variation forms of Romain (NOT RANKED) are Romaine, Roman (#85 FROM CURRENT RECORDS), Romanus and Rome (#1103). Other forms, like Romanos, are uncommon. Usage of these relations of Romain is more pronounced among parents presently (USAGE OF 0.3%). Roman is the most chic name for newborns among these. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Romain is pronounced similarly to Ramon▼ and Rayman. Other recommended sound-alike names are Albain, Amein, Blain, Bodin, Bordin, Colin▼, Collin▼, Dain, Dorrin, Emlin, Eoin, Germain, Husain, Iain, Jamin, Jermain, Jordain, Korrin, Loman, Lorin, Mccain, Rai, Rain, Raine, Rami, Rankin, Rayvin, Regan, Regin, Reubin, Rian, Roald, Roan, Roban, Robben, Robbin, Robbins, Robi, Robin▼, Robson, Robyn, Rocklin, Rodas, Rodman, Rodmann, Rodnie, Rodrik, Rogan, Rohan▲, Rojay, Rollin▼, Ronan▲, Ronson, Roric, Rorik, Rorric, Rosario▼, Roslin, Rouvin, Rowan▲, Royal▲, Royale, Royall, Royan, Roydan, Ryan▼, Rylan, Tomalin, Tomkin, Tomlin, Torrin, Wain and Yemin. These names tend to be more commonly used than Romain.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]