Home > Sander


What does Sander mean?

Sander Pronunciation of Sander as a boys' name is of German and Greek origin, and the meaning of Sander is "man's defender". Variant of Alexander. The name is used in Europe.


ASSOCIATED WITH greek, defender


VARIANTS Sandino, Sandor, Sender, Xan, Xander, Zander

RELATIONS VIA ALEXANDER Alcander, Iskander, Sandero, Sandie, Sandro, Sandros, Sandy, Saunder, Saunders, Sikander, Zandro



Sander Otis (S.O.), ..

How popular is Sander?

Sander is an unusual given name for men but a very prominent last name for both adults and children (#3726 out of 150436, Top 2%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)

Which version is better?

Alexander (#11 IN RECENT RANKINGS), Xander (#171), Zander (#259), Sandor, Sandro and Sandy are the popular variation forms of Sander (OUTSIDE TOP 2000). These forms of Sander were at the height of their popularity 9 years ago (USAGE OF 1.1%) and are almost as common today (USAGE 0.9%, 17.4%), but with the form Sandy becoming somewhat outmoded. Xander and Zander are two of the more fashionable boy names here. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Alexander, Sandor, Sandro, Sandy, Xander, Zander in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Alexander outside U.S.

Similar Names

Suggested similar-sounding names are Ander, Balder, Banner, Brander, Calder, Ender, Evander, Haider, Hayder, Isander, Jader, Landen, Lander, Landers, Landor, Lanier, Leander, Liander, Linder, Mandel, Nader, Neander, Randel, Randey, Ranger, Ranier, Rayder, Saber, Saddler, Sadler, Sandberg, Sanders, Sanderson, Sandey, Sante, Santee, Sawyer, Sayer, Shandey (see Shandy), Snider, Snyder, Spider, Spyder, Tandey, Tanier, Tanner, Vander, Walder and Ysander (see Isandro). These names tend to be more frequently used than Sander.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
