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♂ Stephen
What does Stephen mean?
Stephen ▼ as a boys' name is pronounced STEE-ven, STEF-en. It is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Stephen is "garland, crown". From stephanos. Biblical: Stephen was the first Christian martyr. Common until the late 18th century. Actors Stephen Colins, Steve Martin, Steve McQueen, Steve Buscemi; songwriter Stephen Foster; physicist Stephen Hawking; author Stephen King; filmmaker Steven Spielberg; musician Stevie Wonder; late computer entrepreneur Steve Jobs; film director Stephen Daldry.
ASSOCIATED WITH greek, biblical, martyr (saint), 18th century
VARIANTS Esteban▲, Estefan, Estevan▼, Etienne, Staffan, Steba, Steben, Stefan, Stefano, Steffan, Steffen, Steffon, Stefon, Stephan▼, Stephano, Stephanos, Stephanus, Stephens, Stephenson, Stephon▼, Stevan, Steve▼, Steven▼, Stevenson, Stevie▼, Stevy
FEMININE FORMS Estefany, Stephanie
Stephen Reginald (S.R.), ..
How popular is Stephen?
Stephen is a very prominent first name for males (#34 out of 1220, Top 3%) and also a very prominent last name for both adults and children (#3655 out of 150436, Top 2%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Stephen reached its top position of #20 in the U.S. in the 1950s, and is presently at #284. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Steven (#198 A YEAR AGO), Esteban (#440), Stefan (#878), Steve (#1162), Stephan (#1299), Stephon (#1681), Estevan, Stefano, Steffan, Steffen, Steffon, Stefon, Stevan, Stevenson and Stevie are the popular varying forms of Stephen (#284). These relations of Stephen were popular as birth names 68 years ago (USAGE OF 3.04%) and are now much less conventional (USAGE 0.25%, ▼92%), with versions like Stevie going out of style. Esteban is the most trendy name for newborns here.
Similar Names
Suggested similar-sounding names are Ethen▼, Selden, Sheehan, Shelden, Shepherd▲, Sheplea (see Shepley), Shepley, Sherwen, Sleven, Stanten, Stearn, Stedman, Steed, Steel, Steele, Steen, Stefonn, Stein, Sten, Stensen, Stenssen (see Stein), Stephanas (see Stephanus), Stephonn, Stepney, Stepny, Sterlyn, Stern, Sterne, Stetcyn, Stetson▲, Strahan and Swensen. These names tend to be less commonly used than Stephen.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]