Home > Strachan


What does Strachan mean?

Strachan Pronunciation of Strachan as a name for boys. The meaning of the name Strachan is "minstrel, sage". Strachan is a version of Strahan (Irish, Gaelic): football player Michael Strahan.


ASSOCIATED WITH sage (philosopher)




Strachan Jamal (S.J.), ..

How popular is Strachan?

Strachan is an uncommonly occurring first name for men but a very prominent surname for all people (#7760 out of 150436, Top 5%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)

Strachan has yet to be ranked in the list so far. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Strachan name in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Strachan outside U.S.

Similar Names

Recommended sound-alike names are Abrahan, Athan, Bradan, Brandan, Braydan, Carnahan, Cathan, Dacian, Darshan, Eachan, Ethan, Gahan, Gracian, Jacan, Jacian, Jahan, Kahan, Kernaghan, Kernohan, Lachlan, Lachman, Lathan, Mochan, Nathan, Sacar (see Sachar), Sacha, Sachar, Sachie, Sachio, Sachsen (see Saxe), Sagan, Sajan, Saraph, Sascha, Scanlan, Serafin, Seraph, Seraphim, Shaan, Shachar, Shan, Shanahan, Shanan, Shayan, Shearman, Sheehan, Simcha, Sohan, Solaman, Stacey, Stacie, Stacy, Staffan, Stan, Stanten, Stanton, Stanway, Steadman, Steadmann, Stearn, Stedman, Stefan, Stephan, Stephano, Stephen, Stephon, Stetcyn, Stevan, Stian, Stillman, Straus, Strauss, Strickland, Struther (see Struthers) and Sulayman. These names tend to be more commonly used than Strachan.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
