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♂ Sunney
What does Sunney mean?
Sunney as a name for boys is an alternate form of Sunny.
Sunney Beckett (S.B.), ..
How popular is Sunney?
Sunney is an unusual given name for men. Sunney is an equally unusual last name for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Sunny (#1926 A YEAR AGO) is the only popular varying form of Sunney (OUTSIDE TOP 2000). Adoption of this form of Sunney reached its apex 2 decades ago (#1117) and is almost as widespread today. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Sunney is pronounced similarly to Signy, Sonnie, Sonny▲, Sunnie, Sunny and Sweeney. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Audley, Autrey, Benjey, Blaney, Buckey, Burley, Burney, Busbey, Canbey (see Canby), Chaney, Claney, Corney, Curley, Dabney, Denley, Denney, Duffey, Dunley, Dunne, Dunnley (see Dunley), Gunne, Gunner▲, Hanley, Huxley▲, Juley, Karney, Kenney, Kinney, Kinsey, Lynley, Owney, Pennley, Pitney, Quincey, Romney, Rudey, Sammey, Sandey, Sandy▼, Santee, Sealey, Selbey, Sender, Sennet, Sennett, Shandey (see Shandy), Shane▼, Shanen, Shannen, Shawney, Sidney▼, Signe, Sivney, Skinner, Smokey, Sorley, Stanek, Stanly, Stone, Stones, Stoney, Sudbery (see Sudbury), Sulley, Sumner, Sydney▼, Tanney, Tulley, Verney and Yancey. These names tend to be more frequently used than Sunney.