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♂ Tallin
What does Tallin mean?
Tallin as a name for boys is of English derivation. Tallin is an alternate form of Talon (English).
VARIANTS Tallon, Tallen, Tallan, Talin, Talen▼
Tallin Maximilian (T.M.), ..
How popular is Tallin?
Tallin is an unusual given name for men. Tallin is an equally unusual last name for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Talen, Tallon and Talon (#750 IN RECENT RANKINGS) are the popular alternative forms of Tallin (OUTSIDE TOP 2000). Adoption of these relations of Tallin reached its most widespread 12 years ago (AVERAGE #1109) and is now significantly less (#1583, ▼59%), with the version Talen becoming less fashionable. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Tallin is pronounced similarly to Talen▼, Talin, Tallan, Tallen, Tallon, Talon, Taylan and Taylon. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Allin, Cailin, Callan▲, Callis, Calvin, Carlin, Catlin, Collin▼, Cullin, Dallan, Dallen, Dallin▼, Dallis, Dallon, Daylin, Galin, Gallvin (see Galvin), Galvin, Gamlin, Garlin, Gaylin, Hallen, Hallie▼, Hamlin, Harlin, Jaelin, Jailin, Jaillin, Jalin, Jaylin▼, Kaelin, Kalin, Kalvin, Karlin, Katlin, Keallin (see Keelan), Kellin, Malin, Mallen, Mallik, Mallin, Mallon, Malvin, Marlin▼, Maslin, Mellin, Nalin, Paulin, Rollin▼, Talfrin (see Talfryn), Talib, Tallis, Tallys, Talmai, Talmon, Tannin, Tarin, Tarrin, Tavin, Taytin, Tomlin, Tullie, Tullis, Vallen, Wallie, Wallis and Walwin. These names tend to be more commonly used than Tallin.