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♂ Telford
What does Telford mean?
Telford as a boys' name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Telford is "iron-piercer".
VARIANTS Telfer, Telfor, Telfour, Tellfer, Tellfour
Telford Spencer (T.S.), ..
How popular is Telford?
Telford is an unusual given name for males but a very prominent last name for both adults and children (#9594 out of 150436, Top 6%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Telford has not made it into the Top 2000 thus far. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Telford is pronounced similarly to Tilford. Other recommended sound-alike names are Aldford (see Alford), Alford▼, Allford, Ashford, Bedford, Beuford, Bufford, Buford▼, Burford, Byford, Clyford (see Clifford), Elford, Ellford (see Elford), Gifford, Gilford, Guilford, Gyfford (see Gifford), Halford, Hallford, Hanford, Harford, Huxford, Jefford, Lawford, Linford, Lynford, Meadford (see Medford), Medford, Milford▼, Millford (see Milford), Mitford, Orford, Oxford, Oxxford (see Oxford), Radford, Rayford, Redford, Redfurd (see Redford), Reeford, Rexford, Rufford (see Ruford), Ruford, Rumford, Safford, Sanford▼, Staford, Talor, Teador, Tedmond, Tedor, Teodor, Teodoro, Trefor, Twyford, Tylor▼, Walford, Warford, Welford, Wellford, Wilford▼ and Wynford. These names tend to be more frequently used than Telford.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]