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♂ Terell
What does Terell mean?
Terell as a boys' name (also used as girls' name Terell) is a variant form of Terrell: possibly (Old French) "puller".
VARIANTS Tyrrell, Tyrell▼, Tirrell, Terryll, Terryl, Terryal, Terrill, Terrelle, Terrel, Terrall, Tarrall
Terell Marshall (T.M.), ..
How popular is Terell?
Terell is a rare given name for men but a somewhat popular surname for all people (#83004 out of 150436, Top 55%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Terell was first listed in 1980-1989 and reached its peak position of #1047 in the U.S. in 1990, but is not listed currently. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Prominent variation forms of Terell are Terrel, Terrell (#964 FROM CURRENT RECORDS), Terrill, Terryl and Tyrell (#1167). Usage of these relations of Terell reached its most widespread 3 decades ago (MEDIAN #1079) and is now significantly reduced (#1688, ▼76.2%), with forms like Terrell becoming less stylish.
Similar Names
Terell is pronounced similarly to Tarrall, Terrall, Terrel, Terrell▼, Terrelle, Terrill, Terryal, Terryl, Terryll, Tirell, Tirrell, Toril, Tyrel, Tyrell▼, Tyrelle, Tyrrel and Tyrrell. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Aeriell, Averell, Avrell, Bedell, Bertell (see Berthold), Derell, Derelle, Derrell, Deryll, Devell, Durell, Ferrell, Gerall, Gerrell, Jarell, Jerall, Jerel, Jerell, Jerelle, Jeroll, Jerrell▼, Jorell, Kyrell, Larell, Ledell, Levell, Merill, Merrell, Morell, Newell, Pernell, Sewell, Trail, Traill, Tynell, Verdell, Verill, Vernell and Verrell. These names tend to be more commonly used than Terell.