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♂ Tillman
What does Tillman mean?
Tillman ▼ as a boys' name is of Old English origin, and the meaning of Tillman is "one who plows the earth". Occupational name. In agriculture, tilling the soil meant turning and loosening it before it was planted. Also form of Till.
ASSOCIATED WITH old english, earth, occupational
Tillman Holt (T.H.), ..
How popular is Tillman?
Tillman is an unusual first name for males but a very prominent surname for both adults and children (#1110 out of 150436, Top 1%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Tillman reached its peak rank of #555 in the U.S. during 1890-1899, but is not listed currently. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
The only other prominent related form of Tillman is Tilman. These forms of Tillman were at the height of their popularity a century ago (MEDIAN #1044).
Similar Names
Tillman▼ is alike in pronunciation to Talmon and Tilmann. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Ailean, Allan▼, Altman, Callan▲, Cillian▲, Coleman, Colman, Cullan, Dallan, Delman, Dilan, Dillan▼, Dyllan, Eilan, Eilean, Eilian, Elman, Eltman, Filian, Fillan, Foillan (see Faolan), Gilean, Gilian, Gillan, Gillean, Gillian, Gillman, Gilman, Gilzean, Goldman, Gullan, Holman, Kalman, Keillan, Kellan, Kilean, Kilian, Killean, Killian▲, Kingman, Mellan, Milan▲, Nollan, Quillan, Rollan, Salman, Silvan, Solaman, Soloman, Stillman, Tallan, Tallen, Tallin, Tallon, Talmai, Tasman, Taylan, Tazman, Tedman, Teman, Thurman▼, Tiarnan, Tienan, Tilar, Tilden, Tildon, Tillden (see Tilden), Tilton, Timon, Trueman, Truman▼, Willmar (see Wilmer) and Zalman. These names tend to be more commonly used than Tillman.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]