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♂ Tobey
What does Tobey mean?
Tobey as a name for boys (also used as girls' name Tobey) is of Hebrew and English derivation, and Tobey means "God is good". Tobey is an alternate spelling of Tobias (Hebrew): biblical name from the Old Testament. Tobey is also a variant of Toby (English).
VARIANTS Tobie, Tobiah, Tobia, Tobi, Tobee
OTHER FORMS VIA TOBIAS, TOBY Thobey, Thobie, Thoby, Tobe▼, Tobin, Tobit, Tobyn
CREATIVE FORMS(male) Tobo, ..
(female) Tomy, ..
Tobey Carlos (T.C.), ..
How popular is Tobey?
Tobey is an uncommon given name for males but a very popular surname for both adults and children (#8475 out of 150436, Top 6%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Tobey entered the list in 1970-1979 and reached its top position of #1447 in the U.S. then, but is not ranked currently. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Prominent variation forms of Tobey are Tobe, Tobias (#275 IN RECENT RANKINGS), Tobie, Tobin (#1810) and Toby (#842). These forms of Tobey reached the peak of their popularity less than a decade ago (ADOPTION OF 0.1%) and are almost as common today (ADOPTION 0.1%, ▼13%), but with forms like Toby becoming less trendy. Toby is more universally found than the rest, though Tobias is now more frequently used.
Similar Names
Suggested similar-sounding names are Abbey, Abey, Bobbey, Bodey, Bogey, Cobey, Codey▼, Colbey, Coley, Coney, Corey▼, Covey, Coxey, Hobey, Jodey, Joey▼, Jorey, Kobey, Kodey, Korey▼, Morey, Roley, Rorey, Taber, Tavey, Tobal, Tome, Tomek, Tomeo, Tomey, Tommey, Tommy▼, Toney, Tony▼, Tore, Toren, Torey, Torrey▼, Torry, Tory▼, Tower and Trey▼. These names tend to be more frequently used than Tobey.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]