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♂ Wellington
What does Wellington mean?
Wellington as a boys' name is of Old English origin. Place name with aristocratic connotations due to the famous Duke of Wellington who defeated Napoleon and gave his name to tall, waterproof boots and filet of beef wrapped in pastry.
ASSOCIATED WITH old english, famous
Wellington Brycen (W.B.), ..
How popular is Wellington?
Wellington is an unusual first name for men but a very prominent surname for both adults and children (#5146 out of 150436, Top 3%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Wellington was first listed in 1880-1889 and reached its peak rank of #707 in the U.S. then, but is not listed at the moment. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)
Similar Names
Wellington is pronounced similarly to Ellington. Other recommended sound-alike names are Albinson, Allison, Allston, Allton, Barrington, Belldon (see Belden), Bellindo, Bellton, Belton, Benton, Blanton, Bollton (see Bolton), Carington, Carrington, Caryngton (see Carrington), Clifton▼, Clinton▼, Collton, Covington, Dallton, Delling, Delton, Ellison, Ellton, Felton, Fenton, Gallton (see Galton), Gellion, Gillion, Glenton, Hallton (see Halton), Harrington, Huntingdon, Huntington, Kellton, Kelton, Kenton, Kingston▲, Langton, Leighton▲, Linton, Livingston, Mellon, Millton, Quinnton, Quinton, Remington▲, Renton, Swinton, Tomlinson, Vinton, Walton▼, Walwinn (see Walwyn), Washington▼, Weldon▼, Wellborn, Wellburn (see Welborne), Welldon, Welton, Weston▲, Weylin, Wilkinson, Williamson, Williston, Willkinson (see Wilkinson), Willson, Wilton▼, Winsten, Winston▲, Winstonn, Winton, Worthington, Wriston and Wynston. These names tend to be more frequently used than Wellington.