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♂ Williams
What does Williams mean?
Williams as a name for boys is an Old German name, and the meaning of Williams is "determined protector". Williams is a version of William (Old German): from wil meaning "will".
ASSOCIATED WITH determined (faithful), protector (defender)
RELATED FORMS VIA WILLIAM Willem, Willi, Williamson, Willie▼, Willis▼, Wills
Williams Shlomo (W.S.), ..
How popular is Williams?
Williams is a very prominent first name for males (#596 out of 1220, Top 49%) and also a very prominent last name for both adults and children (#3 out of 150436, Top 1%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Williams reached its apex rank of #604 in the U.S. in the 1880s, but is not found in the list at the moment. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
William (#3 THE PREVIOUS YEAR), Willie (#934), Willem and Willis are the popular variation forms of Williams. Other variants, like Willi, are seldom used. Usage of these forms of Williams was widespread a century ago (AVERAGE #566) and is now significantly reduced (#1387, 87% LESS USAGE), with forms such as Willis becoming somewhat dated.
Similar Names
Recommended sound-alike names are Cillian▲, Gillian, Gillies, Gillis, Gilliss, Hilliard, Hilliary, Killian▲, Villiers, Wallace▼, Wallach, Wallas, Wallie, Wallis, Waltham, Wells▲, Wickham, Wilhelm, Wilhelmus, Wilkes, Wilkie, Wilkins, Will▼, Willard▼, Willbur, Willerd, Willes, Willess, Willet, Willets, Willett, Willey, Willfred, Willfrid, Willfryd, Willhelmus, Williss, Williston, Willkes, Willkie, Willkins (see Wilkinson), Willmar (see Wilmer), Willmer, Willson, Willy, Wilmar, Windham, Wolfram and Wulfram. These names tend to be less commonly used than Williams.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]