Home > Willkie


What does Willkie mean?

Willkie Pronunciation of Willkie as a name for boys is of Old English and Old German origin, and the name Willkie means "determined protector". Willkie is an alternate form of Wilkes (Old English): probably a nickname of Wilkins. Willkie is also a variation of William (Old German): from wil meaning "will".


ASSOCIATED WITH old english, determined (faithful), protector (defender)


OTHER FORMS VIA WILKES, WILLIAM Bille, Billie, Wilek, Wilkie, Will, Willem, Willi, Willie, Willis, Willkes, Wills, Willson, Willy



Willkie Avion (W.A.), ..

How popular is Willkie?

Willkie is an uncommon first name for men but a somewhat popular last name for all people (#139757 out of 150436, Top 93%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)

Which version is better?

Billie, Wilkie, Will (#892 IN 2018), Willem, William (#3), Willie (#934), Willis and Willy are the popular varying forms of Willkie (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) ranked in the Top 2000. These forms of Willkie were favored a century ago (AVERAGE #824) and have become much less conventional since (#1478, 91%), with forms like Willie becoming less in vogue. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Billie, Wilkie, Will, Willem, William in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Willie, Willis, Willy in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Will, William outside U.S.

Similar Names

Suggested similar-sounding names are Allie, Baillie, Birkie (see Birkey), Birlie, Collie, Dickie, Finlie, Ghillie, Gillbie (see Gilby), Hallie, Hilarie, Hillie, Malakie, Miltie, Nickie, Ollie, Rickie, Rollie, Sollie, Tullie, Wallace, Wallie, Wallis, Welbie, Wilde, Wilfrid, Wilfried, Wilkins, Willard, Willbur, Willerd, Willes, Willess, Willet, Willets, Willett, Willey, Willfred, Willfrid, Willfried, Williss, Willkins (see Wilkinson), Willmar (see Wilmer), Willmer, Wilmore and Wylie. These names tend to be more commonly used than Willkie.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
