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♂ Zaccery
What does Zaccery mean?
Zaccery as a boys' name is a Hebrew name, and the meaning of the name Zaccery is "the Lord recalled". Zaccery is an alternate spelling of Zachary (Hebrew): version of Zachariah.
OTHER FORMS VIA ZACHARY Zaccary, Zachery▼, Zackarey, Zackary▼, Zackery▼, Zakary▼
Zaccery Benedict (Z.B.), ..
How popular is Zaccery?
Zaccery is a rare first name for men. Zaccery is also a rare last name for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Zachary (#109 FROM CURRENT RECORDS), Zachery (#1996), Zackary (#1003), Zackery (#1838) and Zakary are the popular related forms of Zaccery (NOT RANKED). Other forms, like Zackarey, are uncommon. These forms of Zaccery were favored in 1994 (AVERAGE #294) and have become significantly less widespread since (#1389, DOWN 85.7%), with forms such as Zackery becoming less trendy. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Recommended sound-alike names are Machenry, Mallery, Maybery (see Mabry), Valery, Zacary, Zaccaria, Zaccheus, Zacheus, Zaheer, Zakery, Zander▲, Zavier▲ and Zubery. Like Zaccery, these names are not commonly used.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]