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Girl Names of Arabic Origin
Arabic baby names and what they mean, for arabic, arabian, with 168 results. These girl names are at the height of their popularity today (ADOPTION OF 1.07%), except for names like Alma which have fallen out of fashion. The trendier girl names among these are Samara (#256), Amina (#299), Zara (#253), Alaia (#581) and Amira (#315), while Umina (TOP 78%) and Amini (16%) are common surnames. Here is the list of Arabic names for boys.
Abia - Alya
"Great." Abiha is a marginally favored kid's name.
"God's worshipper." Uncommon, but Abida is comparable to common -da surnames Anda (UPPER 23%), Ashida (94%). See also Abina.
"Aroma, scent." Abir and Abeer were not among 2018's Top names.
"Father of many." Not that popular as a girls' name. Feminine of Abraham ..
Adara1, var. Adra1
"Virgin; beauty; noble." Somewhat popular as children's names, Adara, Adra, etc. sound like the conventional Adria.
"Cultured, refined." Adiba, Adeeba and Adibah were not among 2018's Top names.
"Righteous, fair." Not that popular as a girls' name. See also Adlai. Feminine of Adil.
Adra2, var. Adara2
"Virgin." Moderately unfamiliar as a children's name.
"Young deer; color of earth." Affery and variants are unique as birth names.
"Fertile." Not Top 2000 name.
"Reward, present." Adoption of Aida, Iyeeda, etc. as baby names in 2018 was 10.8% more than 10 years ago. Also possibly from Latin meaning distinguished ..
"Alive and well." Asia occurs frequently (UPPER 45%) as a last name. Also possibly means "life" in Swahili ..
"Bright, intelligent." Less popular today. Akilah was the variation last found (1997) in the Top 2000.
"Exalted, sublime; to ascend; joyful." Common, with usage of 0.095% for Alaia and variants as baby names in 2018, higher than 0.086% a year ago.
"Exalted." Usage of Ali as a birth name in 2018 was down 61.8% compared to a decade ago. Also used for boys. In English, Ali is used as ..
"Strong; cultured." Not in Top 2000. See also Aliena.
"Nourishing, kind; soul; young woman; learned." Adoption of Alma and forms was elevated in the 1890s and has become reduced, with Alma falling out of fashion. Modern name ..
"Princess." Allmeera, Allmeria, Almeera, Almeeria and Almera are more uncommon as forms. Feminine of Elmer ..
"Bird." Altaira and Altair were not among 2018's Top names. Also possibly of Latin origin ..
"Sublime." Alda (UPPER 78%), Ala (25%) are conventional surnames. Also nickname of Alla.
Quick Reference
Summary Index of names [and variants] for Arabic names for girls.
1. Abia - AlyaAbia, Abida, Abir, Abra, Adara [Adra], Adiba, Adila, Adra [Adara], Afra, Afraima, Aida, Aisha▲ [Ieesha, ..], Akilah, Alaia▲, Ali▼, Alima, Alma▼, Almera [Elmira▼, ..], Altaira, Alya
Alzena, Amala, Amapola [Pola], Amina▲, Amira▲, Anaya▲, Anisa▼, Anwar, Ashia, Asima, Asma, Atifa, Ayda, Aza, Azhar, Aziza, Azra, Azucena▼, Bader, Bara
Basma, Bathshira, Behira, Cala, Cantara, Dalia, Edelmira, Elmira▼, Fadia, Fadila, Faida, Farrah, Fatima▲, Galiana, Ghaliya, Ghazala, Habiba, Hadia [Hadiya], Hadil, Hadiya
Hafiza, Hafsa, Hakeema, Hala, Halima, Hamdan, Hamida, Hamna, Hana▲, Hanan, Hania, Hasana, Hayfa, Hena, Hiba, Hilal, Hind, Huda, Humayra, Husayna
Idris, Ieesha, Iman▼, Inaya [Anaya▲], Jameelah [Jamila], Jamila, Jena▼ [Jenna▼], Jenna▼ [Jena▼], Jumana, Kalila, Kamilah▲, Karida, Karima, Ketifa, Khadija▲, Kismet, Laila▲, Latifah▼, Leila▲ [Lila▲, ..], Lila▲ [Leila▲]
Lina, Majida, Maysa, Medina, Messina, Mouna, Myisha, Nabila, Nadira, Naila, Naima, Nathifah [Nathifah], Nura, Oma▼, Pola, Qiturah, Rabab [Rabiah], Rabiah, Rafa, Raja
Rana, Randa, Rashida, Razia, Rihana, Rima, Rimona, Roya, Saba, Safiyah, Sahara [Zahara], Saida, Salama, Salimah [Selima], Samara▲, Samaria▼, Samira▲, Samya▼, Sana, Scirocco
Selima, Selma▼, Shadiya, Shakira▼, Sharifa, Sheherezade, Soraya▲, Tabina, Tahira, Thana, Thurayya [Soraya▲], Ulima, Umnia, Vega, Xaviera, Yaminah, Yara▲, Yasmin▼, Zahara [Zahra▲], Zahira
Zahra▲, Zaida, Zara▲, Zia, Zohra, Zuleika, Zulema, Zureidy