Home > Biblical Names

Girl Names associated with Biblical

Biblical baby names and what they mean, for biblical, bible, testament, with 136 results. These girl names reached the height of their popularity a century ago (USAGE OF 17.5%) and have become significantly less common since (USAGE 6.3%, 64.2%), with names like Sharon becoming somewhat dated. The most fashionable baby names in this list are Juniper (#281), Delilah (#94), Naomi (#64), Noa (#654) and Dara (#1170), while Olivi (TOP 84%) is a common surname. Here is the list of Biblical names for boys.

Biblical names

Abigail - Berenice | Bernice - Deborah | Delilah - Hope | Hulda - Keren | Keturah - Naomi | Nechama - Shalisa | Sharon - Zohra

Abigail - Berenice


Biblical: the name of King David's .. Abigaile is also a slightly favored birth name. [Gayle, Gaila, Gail, Abigal, Abigael, Abi, Abgail, Abegale, Abbigale, Abbie, .. 33 more]

.. Biblical: King Solomon's favorite concubine was .. Unconventional, but Abra is comparable to popular last names Ambra (TOP 82%), Asbra (92%), which also end with -bra. [Abrahana, Abrah, .. 2 more]


.. Biblical: acacia wood was used to .. Usage of Kasey and variants grew in 1990 and has become less, with Kasey becoming less in vogue. [Kassy, Kassja, Kasey, Kacie, Kacey, Caysha, Cassie, Casia, Casey, .. 5 more]


.. variant of the biblical Hebrew name .. Usage of Aidah and forms was elevated a century ago and is now reduced. [Aidah, Adiah, Adi, .. 11 more]


Biblical name: name of the wives .. Adah is a commonplace (UPPER 77%) given name. See also Addy.

Biblical: God created Adam out of .. Used widely as baby names, Adamina, Addie, etc. sound like the popular Audie. [Minna, Mina, .. 7 more]

.. in the Old Testament as a .. Adin and variants became more trendy in 2018, rising on average +10 rankings as children's names with Adina leading the upswing. [Adeana, .. 1 more]


.. Biblical: a devout woman who saw .. Adoption of Anna and variants as baby names in 2018 was 32.7% less than a decade ago. [Nani, Anouska, Annica, Annamarie, Anja, Anique, Ania, .. 12 more]

.. to Aphrah as biblical place name .. Affery and variants were not Top birth names in 2018. [Afra, .. 2 more]


Biblical place name for Jerusalem. Literary .. Common, with usage of 0.253% for Ariel, Ariella, etc. as girls' names in 2018, though lower than 0.259% in 2017. [Ariellia, Arie, Aeriell, .. 8 more]

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Biblical names: Abigail, Acacia, Ada, Adah, Anna

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Biblical names: Ariel, Azaria, Beata, Berenice

.. a man's name from the Bible .. Rarely used as a baby name. [Artemesia]

.. Biblical: Joseph's Egyptian wife. Adenath and Azanath are creative forms. [Acenath]

Biblical: Athalia was daughter of Jexebel .. Attalie and variants are rarely found as feminine names, and Atha is found regularly (TOP 12%) as a surname. [Attalie, Athalie, Atalia, .. 4 more]

.. borne by a minor biblical character. Not Top 2000 name. See also Azelia.

.. borne by a minor biblical character .. Scarce as a girls' name.


From the male biblical name Azariah .. Azaria is more universally found than the rest, though Azariah has become trendy as well over time. [Azariah]

Biblical name. A rare birth name. [Zubah, Azubah, .. 1 more]

Biblical: Bathsheba was the mistress and .. Less widespread today. Batsheva was the version last listed (2014) in the Top 2000. [Sheva, Bethsabee, Batya, .. 7 more]


.. part of the biblical Sermon on .. Bea (TOP 44%) and Beata (80%) are prevalent first names, whereas Beate is rarely occurring. [Beate, .. 1 more]


.. Biblical: name of an early Christian .. Less used today. Berenice was the version last found (2013) in the Top 2000. [Bernise, .. 6 more]

Quick Reference

Summary Index of Biblical names [and variants] for girls.

1. Abigail - Berenice
Abigail [43], Abra [4], Acacia [14], Ada [14], Adah, Adamina [9], Adin [2], Anna [19], Aphra [3], Ariel [11], Artemisia [1], Asenath [1], Athalia [7], Azalia, Azania, Azaria [1], Azuba [3], Bathsheba [10], Beata [2], Berenice [7]

Bernice [38], Beryl [7], Bethany [11], Bethel [6], Beulah [5], Candace [29], Carmel [45], Casiphia, Cesia [2], Cherith [3], Cheryth [1], Chloe [8], Cilicia [2], Claudia [20], Comfort, Corinthia [1], Damaris [19], Danna [20], Dara [11], Deborah [24]

Delilah [4], Dinah [6], Dorcas [3], Drusilla [11], Eden [5], Edna [9], Efrata [3], Elisabeth [20], Elizabeth [191], Elkana [2], Esther [19], Eunice [5], Eve [22], Genesis [11], Hadassah [4], Hagar [3], Hannah [25], Hephzibah [15], Herodias, Hope [1]

Hulda [3], Jael [3], Janae [22], Janoah [1], Jedida [2], Jecolia [2], Jemima [8], Jerusha [3], Jessica [41], Jezebel [8], Jezreel [1], Joanna [11], Joby [5], Joda, Jorah, Jubilee [1], Judith [16], Juniper, Keila [1], Keren [2]

Keturah [2], Kezia [10], Lael, Leah [5], Lois, Luz [3], Lycia,