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Girl Names associated with Blend
Blend baby names and what they mean, for blend, combination, combined, compound, with 192 results. These girl names were at the top of their popularity 9 decades ago (ADOPTION OF 15.02%) and have become significantly less widespread since (ADOPTION 5.06%, DOWN 66%), with names such as Carolyn becoming less trendy. The most trendy girl names here are Amelia (#8), Aviana (#394), Joelle (#697), Jolene (#455) and Zola (#956), while Omelia (TOP 23%) is a familiar last name.
Adamaris - Ansonia
.. is also a blend of Ada .. Adamarie is also a moderately common birth name. [Adamari]
.. is also a blend of Adele .. Common, and Adelinde is similar to popular -nde surnames Ayende (TOP 78%), Amende (53%). [Linda, Adeline, Adelinda, .. 1 more]
A blend of Adela and Lisa. Adlis and Amelisa are creative variations. [Adeliza, .. 2 more]
.. speaking countries, a blend of Alina .. Unusual. Alinda (cf. Arlinda, Ananda) ends with the common -nda.
Combination of Alva and Rita. Alvarita is not in the Top 2000. See also Alvara.
Combined form of Amber and Kimberly .. Amberlie and forms peaked in popularity in 1991 and are less popular today. [Amberly, Amberley, Amberlea, Ambarlie, .. 5 more]
Blend of two medieval names: the .. Amelia, Amalia, Amelie, Amilia, Amy, Delia, Emeline, Emilia, Emma, Emmeline, Emmie, Emmy, Malia, Melia, Millie and Milly are Top 2000 baby names. [Milly, Meline, Malika, Malia, Mali, Emmeline, Emeline, Delia, Amilia, Amelyta, .. 37 more]
Combined form of "beloved" and "pretty". Unusual. Amelinda and variants are not found in the US Demographics. [Amellinda, Amelindah, Amalynda, Amalinda]
.. often used in blended names like .. Ana (UPPER 4%) and Anamaria (81%) are commonly occurring first names. [Anka, Anica, Anamarie, Analee, .. 4 more]
Combination of Anna and Belle. Annabelle (UPPER 19%), Anabel (37%) and Annabel (43%) are common as feminine names, whereas Anabelle and Annabella are rare. [Annabelle, Annabella, .. 2 more]
.. name from a combination of Ana .. Usage of Analia as a girls' name in 2018 was up 88.8% compared to 2008. See also Amalie.
Spanish combined form of Ana and .. A rare girls' name. See also Analicia.
.. Andreas, much favored for blended variants .. Andrea, Andi and Andie were Top birth names in 2018. [Onndria, Ondrea, Ohndrea, Drena, Aundrea, Andrine, Andrienne, Andriana, Andreya, Andrette, .. 42 more]
Blend of Ann and Janet. Less common today. Anjanette was the variation last recorded (the 1970s) in the Top 2000. [Annjeanette, Anjanique, .. 1 more]
.. often used in combination with other .. Anna (UPPER 16%), Ann (23%), Nani (49%) and Ana (54%) exist regularly as surnames. [Nani, Anouska, Annet, Annemarie, Anneke, Annamarie, Annalee, Ann, Anja, Anique, .. 9 more]
.. Anna, or when combined with Belle .. Anabel, Anabelle and Annabella are prevalent as versions of Annabel. [Annabelle, Annabell, .. 6 more]
Combined form of Ann and Lisa. Popularly used, with usage of 0.077% for Annalisa and variants as children's names in 2018, though lower than 0.089% in 2017. [Annissa, Annalissa, Annaliese, Analissa, Analiesa, Analicia, .. 17 more]
Combined form of Ann and Mary .. Uncommon, with usage of 0.001% for Annamaria and variants as birth names in 2018, lower than 0.006% the previous year. [Annmaria, .. 2 more]
Combined form of Ann and May. Annamay and forms were favored as birth names during 1920-1929. [Annemie, Annamay, .. 1 more]
.. Also possibly a combined form of .. Unusual, with the feminine-sounding -onia suffix for Ansonia, Annesonia, Annsonia, like Alonia. [Ansonya, Annsonya, Annsonia, .. 1 more]
Quick Reference
Summary Index of Blend names [and variants] for girls.
1. Adamaris - AnsoniaAdamaris▼ [1], Adelinde [4], Adelisa [3], Alinda, Alvarita, Amberly [9], Amelia▲ [47], Amelinda [4], Ana [8], Anabel [4], Analia, Analilia, Andrea▼ [52], Anjanette [3], Anna▼ [19], Annabel [8], Annalisa [22], Annamaria [3], Annemae [3], Ansonia [4]
Araminta, Arlinda [3], Ashlynn [11], Aubriella▲ [1], Audriana [3], Auralee [1], Aviana▲ [2], Barinda, Bertrice, Bethany▼ [11], Betsy▼ [4], Betty▼ [12], Billie▼ [10], Bobbie▼ [3], Brandilyn [5], Braylee, Briley [4], Bryleigh▲ [1], Cady [13], Calandra [12]
Carabelle [3], Careen [2], Carla▼ [43], Carolyn▼ [7], Caron [5], Catrice [1], Cerise [18], Cha- [21], Chalice, Charlene▼ [21], Chasity▼ [10], Cherene, Cherida, Cherith [3], Cheryl▼ [50], Cheryth [1], Chloe [8], Chrysantha [5], Claramae [1], Claribel [1]
Corey▼ [19], Corliss [5], Courtney▼ [37], Da- [14], De- [23], Deandra▼ [7], Delicia [22], Devany [5], Diantha, Dora▼ [36], Eilwen, Elisha [5], Elixyvett [5], Ellamae [1], Elma▼ [1], Emma [27], Evelina▲ [4], Evelyn [26], Floella, Fredella [1]
Geri▼ [7], Harriette▼, Ja- [43], Jae [12], Jancis [2], Jane▼ [93], Janessa [3], Jaxine, Jay [13], Jazzlyn [13], Je- [11], Jenessa [3], Jenilee [3], Jenna▼ [8], Jenny▼ [27], Jeralyn [5], Jerica▼ [3], Jessie▼ [20], Jo▼ [29], Jobeth
Jocelyn [43], Joelle▲ [14], Jolene▲ [16], Josalind, Julissa▼ [3], Ka- [26], Kanisha▼ [9], Kaylee [27], Keandra [4], Kendra▼ [20], Kristen▼ [24], La- [54], Lakeisha▼ [14], Latanya▼ [4], Latoya▼ [6], Latrice▼ [8], Lavonne▼ [5], Leanna [10], Leatrice▼ [1], Lieselotte
Lilibeth [5], Lou▼ [5], Luana [12], Luella▼ [7], Lynn▼ [17], Mandoline [9], Marell, Maria▼ [17], Marian▼ [6], Marianne▼ [10], Maribel▼ [7], Marigold [2], Marilyn▼ [16], Marisela▼ [4], Maristela, Marjo, Markeisha [3], Marlene▼ [23], Marlin [6], Marlisa [6]
Marlise [2], Mary▼ [103], Maryann▼ [2], Mckayla▼ [2], Melisha [7], Mersera, Mona▼ [6], Myrella, Na- [12], Nichelle [5], Phylicia▼ [1], Rae [26], Ranae [4], Rayann [10], Rexanne [8], Richelle▼ [5], Rosabel [2], Rosalyn▲ [5], Roseanne [16], Rosemary▼ [7]
Roxanne▼ [22], Ruthann▼ [1], Sarah▼ [66], Sha- [57], Shan- [10], Shawna▼ [36], She- [5], Sherilyn [3], Siobhan▼ [20], Solana [5], Stevonna, Suellen [1], Ta- [28], Talisa, Tanga, Tanisha▼ [14], Taryn▼ [9], Te- [9], Terry▼ [23], Teryl [8]
Therma [1], Tina▼ [7], Valetta [3], Vanessa▼ [50], Velma▼ [3], Wynell, Wynstelle [3], Wysandra [1], Ysanne [2], Zoanne [1], Zola▲ [3], Zolynn