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Girl Names associated with Fairy
Fairy baby names and what they mean, for fairy, faerie, with 13 results. Adoption of these girl names was at its peak in the 1960s (ADOPTION OF 0.52%) and is somewhat less today (ADOPTION 0.32%, ▼38%), with names such as Cindy becoming less stylish. Aurora (#44) is the most fashionable baby name in this list, while Faw (TOP 13%) and Arora (7%) are familiar last names.
Aurora - Una
.. versions of the fairy tale Sleeping .. Aulora is also a somewhat popular girl's name. [Zorica, Rora, Aurea, .. 4 more]
.. epic 1590 poem "The Faerie Queene". Popular. Compare Carissa, Karissa, etc. with common surnames Cassa (UPPER 42%), Cabassa (29%), which also end with -sa. [Kharissa, Caressa, Caresa, .. 7 more]
.. his poem "The Faerie Queene" 16th .. Caressa, Carisia, Carisse, Carrissa and Chareese are more rarefied as variant forms of Charis. [Sherisa, Cherise, Charisha, Charish, Caressa, .. 22 more]
.. name from the fairy tale, derived .. Not that prominent as a girls' name nowadays, though Cinderella still occurs frequently as a first name for women. [Ella, Cindy, Cindie, .. 2 more]
.. of the unrelated fairy tale heroine's .. Cindi (TOP 26%), Cyndi (42%) and Cyndy (82%) are commonplace as women's names. [Syndy, Cindia, Cindell, Cindel, Cindee, Cindal, .. 16 more]
.. his poem "The Faerie Queene" in .. Less common today. Claribel was the version last listed (1992) in the Top 2000. [Klarybel]
.. in Spenser's "The Faerie Queene" (1596) .. Moderately atypical as a girls' name nowadays, though Clarinda is still found regularly as a feminine first name. [Clorinda]
.. she becomes a fairy queen, honored .. Cliodhna and variants are barely found as female names. [Cliodhna, Cleona, .. 1 more]
"Fairy." Moderately unfamiliar as a children's name, Fay is used more often as a last name. Late 19th century coinage, influenced by .. [Fey, .. 7 more]
Derived fr. Old French word. "Little fairy." Fayette and variants soared in popularity 9 decades ago. [Fayetta]
Based on Gaelic. "From the fairy palace." Adoption of Shayla and variants as baby names in 2018 was down 81.2% compared to 10 years ago. A variant of Sheila (Irish, Gaelic) .. [Shealynn, Shaylynne, Shaylynn, Shaylyn, Shayleen, Shailagh, .. 7 more]
.. (Irish, Gaelic) "from the fairy fort" .. Shae, Shaye and Shaylee are familiar as versions of Shea. [Shaylyn, Shaylee, Shayla, Shaye, Shayda, Shay, Shaelee, .. 1 more]
.. epic poem "The Faerie Queen", where .. Moderately novel as a children's name nowadays, but Una is still recorded often as a first name for women. [Unna, Unagh, Euna, .. 3 more]
Quick Reference
Summary Index of Fairy names [and variants] for girls.
1. Aurora - UnaAurora▲ [Ora, Zora, Rory, Rora, Aurea, Zorica, Aurore], Carissa▼ [Caris, Carisa, Karisa, Karissa, Carrisa, Kharissa, Charissa, Carrissa, ..], Charis [Karas, Karis, Karisa, Sherisa, Karrisa, Karisse, Karissa, Cherise, ..], Cinderella [Ella, Cindy, Cindie, Cendrillon, Cenerentola], Cindy▼ [Syndy, Syndi, Sindy, Sindi, Cyndy, Syndie, Sindie, Sindee, ..], Claribel [Klarybel], Clarinda [Clorinda], Cliona [Clio, Cleona, Cliodhna], Fay▼ [Fey, Fei, Fee, Fay, Fae, Faye, Feike, Fayanna], Fayette [Fayetta], Shayla▼ [Shaylah, Shaylyn, Shailyn, Shealynn, Shaylynn, Shaylene, Shayleen, Shaylynne, ..], Shea [Shay, Shae, Shaye, Shayla, Shayda, Shaylyn, Shaylee, Shaelee], Una▼ [Unna, Unah, Oona, Euna, Unagh, Oonagh]