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Girl Names associated with Golden


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Golden baby names and what they mean, for golden, yellow, with 57 results. Usage of these girl names reached its highest 28 years ago (ADOPTION OF 1.53%) and has become significantly less since (ADOPTION 0.22%, 85.4%), with names like Rhiannon becoming somewhat outmoded. Dior (#792) and Aurelia (#653) are two of the more fashionable birth names among these, while Aurilia (TOP 85%) and Bline (42%) are familiar surnames. Here is the list of Gold names for boys.

Golden names

Aldina - Daffodil | Dior - Ophira | Ora - Zlata

Aldina - Daffodil

Stems fr. Turkish element. "Golden." Aleina is a slightly favored girl's name. See also Aldene. Popular among Bosnian Muslims.


.. of a bright yellow flower, alyssum .. Popular. Compare Alyssa, Alysa, etc. with common -sa last names Aversa (UPPER 14%), Agrusa (30%). [Lyssa, Lissie, .. 12 more]


.. to describe the gem's golden color .. Amber is a recognizable (UPPER 3%) female name, whereas Ambar, Ambereen, Amberetta, Ambre and Ambur are scantly used. [Ambur, Ambre, .. 3 more]

.. Angharad Golden Hand is a character .. Outside Top 2000.

.. by dropping three golden apples he .. Atalanta, Atlanta and Atlante are unusual as baby names. [Atlante, Atlanta]


From Latin language. "Golden." Arely is more universally found than the rest, though Aurelia has become trendy as well. Feminine of Aurelio .. [Orelia, Orel, Auriella, Auriel, Aurel, Arely, Arella, Arela, Aranka, .. 16 more]

Derived fr. Latin word. "Golden." Aureola and variants are not in the Top 2000. A name used for slaves in .. [Oriole, Oriel, Aureole, Aureola, .. 1 more]


.. plant with white, yellow or reddish .. Aven is unusual as a female name, registering frequently (UPPER 20%) as a last name. See also Abena.

.. leaves and white, yellow, pink or .. Not generally used as a birth name, Begonia is used more conventionally as a surname.

From Irish, Gaelic language. "Yellow." Unusual as baby names, but Blaine, Blayne, etc. are similar to the more popular Alaine. Surname .. [Blayne, .. 1 more]

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Golden names: Alyssa, Amber, Aurelia, Aven, Christa, Chrystal

Based on Latin word. "Golden flower." Cartha and Coltha are creative variations. See also Catha.

A yellow blossomed wildflower. Celida and variants are uncommon as children's names. [Zeledonia, Selodonia, Celadonia, .. 2 more]

Derived fr. Greek language. "Green, greenish yellow." Not in popularity charts. From "khloros" .. [Kloris, Cloris, Chloress, .. 1 more]


.. Greek word for "gold" or "golden". Somewhat unconventional as a baby name, existing fairly regularly as a surname. [Krystah, Krysta, Chrystie, .. 8 more]

Source fr. Greek language. "Golden flower." Chrysantha, Chrisanna, etc. are unique as birth names. From "chrysos" and "anthos" .. [Krisandra, Crisanna, Chrysandra, .. 2 more]

Derivative of Latin. "Golden daughter." Chryseis and Chrysilla were not among 2018's Top names. .. which derives from "chrysos" meaning "golden". [Chrysilla]


.. influenced by Greek "khrysos" meaning "gold". Usage of Chrystal as a baby name has trended downward since 1980-1989. [Chrystalla]

Source fr. Greek word. "Gold." Uncommon as birth names, but Cressida, Cressa, etc. are pronounced like the more popular Carissa. Derived from Khryseis a derivative of .. [Cressy, Cressa]

Stems fr. Greek word. "Golden flower." A girls' name that is little-used. Spanish name. [Chryssantha, Chrissantha, Chrissanta, .. 2 more]

.. name for the familiar yellow blossom .. Not Top 2000 name.

Quick Reference

Summary Index of Golden names [and variants] for girls.

1. Aldina - Daffodil
Aldina, Alyssa [Lyssa, Lissa, Lissie, Ilyssa, Illissa, Alyssia, ..], Amber [Ambur, Ambre, Ambar, Ambereen, Amberetta], Angharad, Atalanta [Atlante, Atlanta], Aurelia [Ora, Orel, Orelia, Irelee, Oralie, Oralia, ..], Auriel [Oriel, Oriole, Auriol, Aureole, Aureola], Aven, Begonia, Blaine [Blane, Blayne], Caltha, Celandine [Celida, Zeledonia, Selodonia, Celadonia, Cellandine], Chloris [Kloris, Cloris, Khloris, Chloress], Christa [Krysta, Krista, Krystah, Khrysta, Khrista, Crystie, ..], Chrysantha [Crisanna, Krisandra, Chrisanne, Chrisanna, Chrysandra], Chryseis [Chrysilla], Chrystal [Chrystalla], Cressida [Cressy, Cressa], Crisanta [Chrisanta, Chrissanta, Chrisantha, Chryssantha, Chrissantha], Daffodil

Dior [D'Or], Eldora [Eldoris, Eldoria, Eldoree, Eldorada], Eurfron [Eurfyn], Euron [Eurys, Euryl, Auron, Euriona], Euronwy, Eurwen [Eurwyn], Flavia [Flavie, Flavyere, Flaviere], Forsythia, Golda [Goldy, Goldi, Goldia, Goldie, Goldee, Goldina, ..], Goldie [Goldy, Goldi, Goldee], Gull, Harminder [Harmindir, Harmander], Hema, Jin, Jyn, Kim [Kym, Kimy, Kymme, Kimmy, Kimme, Kimmie, ..], Krysanthe [Chrysantha], Marigold [Maragold, Marrigold], Nurit, Ophira [Ofira, Ofeera]

Ora [Orra, Orabel, Orabelle, Orareeana, Orarariana], Oracia [Orazia, Oratia, Orasia], Oralia [Oriel, Orlene, Orlena, Orelie, Orielle, Orielda, ..], Oriel [Auriel, Orielle, Oriella, Aurielle, Auriella], Orinda, Oriole [Oriel, Oriola, Auriel, Oriolle, Oriella, Oreolle], Orla [Orrla, Orlagh, Orlaith], Pazia [Paza, Pazit], Rhiannon [Riane, Riana, Rianon, Rianne, Rianna, Riannon, ..], Saffron [Saphron, Saffren, Saffran, Saffronia], Taja [Taji, Tajia, Tajah, Tajiana, Tajanee, Tajanae, ..], Tawny [Tawni, Tawnya, Tawnie, Tawnia, Tawney, Tawnee, ..], Topaz, Vanna [Vana, Vanetta, Lavanna], Xanthe [Zantha, Xantha, Xanthia], Zarina [Zareen, Zareena], Zlata [Zlatka, Zlatina, Alatinka]

Usage comparison for Golden names
