Home > Heroine Names

Girl Names associated with Heroine

Heroine baby names and what they mean, for heroine, heroes, with 80 results. These girl names were at the peak of their popularity during 1940-1949 (USAGE OF 6.85%) and are somewhat less common today (USAGE 4.18%, 38.9%), with names such as Janice becoming less trendy. The most trendy birth names in this list are Amelia (#8), Charlotte (#6), Nora (#30), Scarlett (#20) and Violet (#43), while Omelia (TOP 23%) and Violett (28%) are popular last names. Here is the list of Hero names for boys.

Heroine names

Alice - Cher | Christabel - Hester | Hildegard - Mimi | Nora - Zuleika

Alice - Cher


.. famous by the heroine in Lewis .. Alice (cf. Blice, Altice) is a common -ice suffix surname. [Lyssa, Alyson, Alyse, Alyce, Allysiah, Allyse, Allyce, Allisun, Alliss, Allis, .. 92 more]


.. it for the heroine of his .. Amelia, Amalia, Amelie, Amilia, Amy, Delia, Emeline, Emilia, Emma, Emmeline, Emmie, Emmy, Malia, Melia, Millie and Milly were Top birth names in 2018. [Milly, Millie, Emmie, Emilia, Emelita, Emeline, Amelyta, Amelyna, Amelita, Ameline, .. 37 more]

Aminta was the heroine of a .. Somewhat common as children's names, Minta, Aminta, etc. are pronounced like the common Mindy. [Minty, Minta, Amynta, .. 2 more]


.. borne by several heroines and a .. A familiar girls' name. [Aoibhe]

.. The legendary heroine may originally have .. A rare girls' name. [Arianrhod]


.. Wodehouse's foppish hero Bertie Wooster had .. Usage of Augusta and variants as children's names in 2018 was 14.1% less than 2017. [Tina, Gusta, Austine, Augustyna, Agostina, .. 12 more]


Ayla is the heroine of Jean .. Ayla has grown increasingly popular with parents since 1880-1889. See also Kyla.


.. beloved heroine of Dante's "Divine Comedy" .. Beah, Beatie, Beatrica, Beatrisa and Beatriss are more uncommon as variant forms of Beatrice. [Trixy, Trix, Beitriss, Beeatrisa, Beeatrice, Beattie, Beatrix, Beatriss, Beah, Bea, .. 14 more]


.. Becky Sharp, heroine of William Thackeray's .. Adoption of Becki and forms was well-received during 1960-1969, but now, Becky has become less fashionable. [Becki]


.. one of Disney's most popular heroines .. A conventional baby name (#859 A YEAR AGO), Belle is also found often as a last name. [Belvia, .. 7 more]

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Heroine names: Alice, Amelia, Aoife, Augusta, Ayla

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Heroine names: Beatrice, Becky, Belle, Brenda, Brett

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Heroine names: Camilla, Candida, Carmen, Charlotte, Cher


.. comic strip heroine Brenda Starr. Brenda, Labrenda, etc. became less popular in 2018, dropping on average -7 positions as children's names with Brenda leading the fall. [Labrenda, Brenn, Brendie, .. 11 more]


.. Ashley was Hemingway's heroine in the .. Britt (TOP 49%) and Brett (73%) are commonplace as female names, while Bret, Bretta, Brettany and Brette are intermittently used. [Britt, Brette, Bretta, Bret, .. 1 more]

Heroine of the Siegfried legend made .. Somewhat common as birth names, Hilda, Brunhilda, etc. are similar to the conventional Wilda. [Nilda, Hildy, Hildie, Hildi, Brynnhilde, Brynnhild, Brunilda, Brynhilde, Brynhilda, .. 11 more]


.. The heroine of Alexandre Dumas's famous .. Cam (UPPER 16%), Camille (19%), Milla (19%), Mille (26%) and Cama (36%) occur frequently as last names. [Milly, Mille, Milla, Kamilla, Camylle, Cammy, Cammilla, Camillie, Camill, Camelia, .. 28 more]


.. name of the hero in Voltaire's .. Usage of Candy and forms was more pronounced among parents in the 1970s. [Candy, .. 4 more]

.. name of his heroine in his .. Unique. Carinthia, like Calanthia, ends with the androgynous-sounding -ia.


.. the tragic romantic heroine of Bizet's .. Usage of Carmen as a children's name has faded circa 1970-1979. [Mina, Karmina, Karmin, Karman, Charmaine, Carmynn, Carmyna, Carmina, Carmelita, Carmelina, .. 18 more]

.. legendary sixth century Welsh hero Taliesin. Less popular today. Cari was the version last found (1996) in the Top 2000. [Cerridwyn, Cerridwen, .. 4 more]


.. "Charlotte's Web", the heroine of the .. Charlotte has generally been popular among parents, although Charlie seems to be gaining favor too. [Tottie, Sheri, Sharmian, Sharmayne, Sharlot, Sharlott, Sharlett, Sharleen, Lotti, Lotta, .. 89 more]


.. name of the heroine of the .. Usage of Cher and variants as children's names in 2018 was down 33.6% compared to 10 years ago. [Sheryll, Sherie, Cherice, Cheri, Cherey, Chere, .. 17 more]

Quick Reference

Summary Index of Heroine names [and variants] for girls.

1. Alice - Cher
Alice [Lyssa, Lissa, Licha, Lichah, ..], Amelia [Milly, Melia, Millie, Meline, ..], Aminta [Minty, Minta, Eminta, Amynta], Aoife [Aoibhe], Aranrhod [Arianrhod], Augusta [Gus, Tina, Gusta, Gussie, ..], Ayla, Beatrice [Trix, Trixy, Trixie, Beitriss, ..], Becky [Becki], Belle [Belva, Belvia, Bellina, Bellette, ..], Brenda [Brinda, Brynda, Labrenda, Brenndah, ..], Brett [Britt, Brette, Bretta, Brettany], Brunhilda [Nilda, Hildy, Hildi, Hildie, ..], Camilla [Milly, Milli, Millie, Millee, ..], Candida [Candy, Candie, Candido, Candide], Carinthia, Carmen [Mina, Lita, Karmyn, Karmita, ..], Ceridwen [Ceri, Ceridwyn, Cerridwyn, Cerridwen, ..], Charlotte [Tottie, Sheryl, Sherye, Sherry, ..], Cher [Sherie, Sherry, Sheryll, Sherice, ..]

Christabel [Crystabel, Crystabella, Cristabelle, Cristabella, ..], Cindy [Syndy, Syndi, Sindy, Syndie, ..], Claudine [Claudean], Clelia [Cloelia], Consuelo [Suelo, Connie, Consuela, Consolata, ..], Cora [Koryne, Lacoria, Koryssa, Korynna, ..], Courtney [Kourty, Kourtni, Quartney, Kourtnie, ..], Cressida [Cressy, Cressa], Desdemona [Desmona], Dorothy [Tea, Thea, Dotty, Dottie, ..], Eluned [Lunet, Lunette, Lynette, Lynnette, ..], Eurfron [Eurfyn], Flora [Flory, Florry, Florrie, Florita, ..], Frankie, Gilda, Giselle [Giza, Gizela, Gizelle, Gizella, ..], Halfrida, Hayley [Haylie, Haylee, Haylea, Hayleigh, ..], Hero, Hester [Hetty, Hettie, Hestia, Hesther, ..]

Hildegard [Hille, Hildy, Hildegunn, Hildegart, ..], Holly [Holli, Hollye, Hollie, Hollyann, ..], Imogen [Imojeen, Imojean, Imogine, Imogenia, ..], Isabel [Yzobel, Ysobel, Yzobelle, Yzabelle, ..], Janice [Jenise, Jenice, Jennice, Jeniece, ..], Jemima [Mima, Mimma, Jemmy, Jemmie, ..], Jerica [Jerika, Jerrika, Jerrica], Jerusha [Jarusha, Jerushah, Jeruscha], Joan [Joni, Jone, Jonee, Joannue, ..], Judith [Judy, Jutta, Judye, Judithe, ..], Jyn, Katniss, Kinsey [Kinzee, Kinsie, Kinsee, Kinnsie, ..], Lalla, Laura [Lory, Lorry, Lorri, Lorrie, ..], Leonora [Ora, Norah, Leora, Leonore, ..], Lorna [Lorrna], Madison [Madyson, Madisyn, Madisen, Madisson], Medora, Mimi [Mim, Meemee]

Nora [Norry, Norissa, Norelle, Norella, ..], Ondine [Undine, Ondyne, Ondina], Perdita, Phaedra [Phedre, Phedra, Phaidra, Phaedre, ..], Pippa [Pip, Pippy], Portia, Priscilla [Prissy, Prissie, Prysilla, Prisilla, ..], Rowena [Rowina, Rowenna, Roweina, Roweena], Roxanne [Ruksana, Ruksane, Ruksanna, Roxyanna, ..], Scarlett [Scarlet, Scarlette, Scarletta], Semele [Semelle, Samelle], Silvia [Silvy, Sylvie, Sylvia, Silvya, ..], Ulyssa [Ulissa], Una [Unna, Unah, Unagh, Oonagh, ..], Valkyrie [Valkyria, Vallkyrie, Valkyrria], Varina [Verina], Violet [Yolane, Yolande, Yolanthe, Yolantha, ..], Wendy [Windy, Wendi, Wendye, Wendie, ..], Yancey [Yancy, Yancie, Yancee], Zuleika [Zuleica, Zulaica]

Usage comparison for Heroine names
