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Girl Names of Italian Origin
Italian baby names and what they mean, for italian, italy, with 84 results. These Italian names tend to have a stylish and exotic flavor that make them popular, especially among the British and the Americans. These girl names reached the top of their popularity during 1950-1959 (ADOPTION OF 1.8%) and are somewhat less widespread today (ADOPTION 0.9%, ▼50%), with names like Roma becoming less trendy. The more fashionable names for newborns in this compilation are Bella (#48), Gianna (#80), Lucia (#183), Luciana (#349) and Zola (#956), while Luciani (TOP 12%) and Bello (2%) are conventional surnames. Here is the list of Italian names for boys.
Agnola - Carabelle
"Angel." Unusual, but Agnola is comparable to common -ola last names Ahola (UPPER 24%), Arreola (1%). Also a variant of Agnes.
"Gay and jaunty." Adoption of Allegra and variants as baby names in 2018 was down 31.1% compared to 10 years ago. The musical term allegro means quickly ..
"Nourishing, kind; soul; young woman; learned." Adoption of Alma and forms grew in the 1890s and is now less, with Alma becoming less in vogue. Modern name ..
"Elf warrior." Scarce as a children's name, but Alvara is similar to the more common Alverta. See also Alvarita. From Aelfhere ..
"Gift of love." Not in Top 2000.
"Endless; truth; friendship." Outside Top 2000. Hindi name ..
"Announcement, notice." Not that popular as a birth name. Allusion to the Annunciation, when the ..
Pet name .. Less used today. Bambi was last recorded in the 1980s in the Top 2000.
"Beautiful." Belinda, Velinda, etc. became less popular last year, dropping -96 positions as children's names with Belle leading the fall. Probably from Italian "bella" (see Bella) ..
"Beautiful." A very familiar baby name (#48 IN LATEST RANKINGS), Bella is also found conventionally as a surname. Also a short form of Isabel ..
Bellanca, var. Bianca1▼
"Blond." Usage of Bellanca and variants as birth names in 2018 was up 6.2% compared to 2017.
Nickname of Berta. Uncommon, with the androgynous -na suffix, like Bertina.
"White, pure." A highly familiar birth name (#403 IN RECENT RANKINGS) which also occurs somewhat frequently as a surname. Variant of Blanche (French) ..
Variant of Vivian. Not in popularity charts. See also Bobina.
"Good daughter." A peculiar birth name.
"Brown-skinned, brown-haired." Somewhat popular as birth names, Bruna, Brunella, etc. are pronounced like the common Breana. Feminine of Bruno.
"Skin." Compare last names Camejo (UPPER 16%), Camen (92%). From Italian "cammeo" probably of Oriental ..
Name of the Italian island famous .. Capree and Capri are rarely used as feminine names, and Capri is found often (UPPER 29%) as a surname.
Caprice, var. Capri2▲
"Whimsical, playful." Caprice is frequently occurring (TOP 57%) as a female name, while Capreece, Capri, Capriana, Capricia and Caprise are unconventional. From Italian "capriccio" which originally referred ..
"Beloved; friend; God's promise." Carabell and variants are seldom used as baby names. Combined form of Cara and Belle.
Quick Reference
Summary Index of names [and variants] for Italian names for girls.
1. Agnola - CarabelleAgnola, Allegra, Alma▼, Alvara, Amadore, Amita, Annunciata, Bambi, Belinda▼, Bella▲, Bellanca [Bianca▼], Bertrona, Bianca▼, Bibiana, Bonfilia, Bruna, Cameo, Capri▲, Caprice [Capri▲], Carabelle
Carlotta, Carolina, Chiara, Ciana, Cipriana, Divina, Donna▼, Elinda, Enrica, Eroica, Fabrizia, Fiammetta, Filomena▼, Francesca▲, Gaetana, Gelsomina, Ghita, Giacinta, Gianna▲ [Gianina], Gianina
Ginevra, Gioconda, Gioia, Giordana, Giovanna▲, Giulia [Giuliana], Giuliana [Giulia], Giuseppina, Giustinia, Guida, Gulielma, Ilaria, Imelda, Laudonia, Lorenza, Loretta▼, Lucia▲, Luciana▲ [Ciana], Madonna▼, Massima
Nedda, Nerissa, Nerola, Nilda, Nunzia, Ortensia, Pamina, Primavera, Roma▼, Romea, Santuzza, Scirocco, Sigismonda, Silvana, Speranza, Tea▼, Tosca, Traviata, Uberta, Vallombrosa
Vanda, Vedette, Yoconda, Zola▲