Home > Jewel Names

Girl Names associated with Jewel


Names may be associated with a word, eg. Raven is associated with "dark" but does not mean "dark".

Jewel baby names and what they mean, for jewel, pearl, gemstone, birthstone, with 52 results. These girl names reached the peak of their popularity 108 years ago (ADOPTION OF 4.7%) and have become significantly less common since (ADOPTION 1%, DOWN 80%), with names such as Diamond becoming less in vogue. The most fashionable names for newborns here are Emerald (#1029), Gemma (#229), Jade (#111), Maisie (#498) and Sapphire (#1168)

Jewel names

Agate - Greta | Gretel - Meta | Opal - Ula

Agate - Greta

.. is a semiprecious gemstone which was .. Agate (UPPER 29%), comparable to Adgate (UPPER 44%), Alzate (12%), is a common -te suffix last name. See also Agoti.

.. basis of such gems as ruby .. Alumian and Alumila are creative forms. [Allumina]


.. for a semiprecious gem made from .. Amber has faded in popularity as a baby name since the 1980s. [Ambur, Ambereen, Ambar, .. 2 more]


Source fr. Greek element. "Precious purple jewel." Amethyst, Amatista, etc. became less trendy in 2018, falling -20 positions as birth names with Amethyst dropping the most. .. amethyst is the birthstone for February. [Amethiste, Amathyst, .. 2 more]


From Greek element. "Light green semiprecious gemstone." Beryl (UPPER 22%) and Berry (78%) are frequently occurring as first names. The word is of Indian origin .. [Beryn, Berry, Berrie, Beril, .. 3 more]

From Vietnamese element. "Gemstone." Bich was not a Top birth name in 2018.

Root fr. French word. "Jewel." Not Top 2000 names. Pet name .. [Bijoux]

.. refers to a gem portrait carved .. Compare last names Camen, Cambo. [Cammeo]

.. means beauties or gems, so the .. Ceinwen, Cain and Keyne are barely found as first names, and Cain appears frequently (UPPER 1%) as a last name. [Keyne, .. 1 more]


Root fr. French, Greek languages. "Green gemstone." Charell, Charelle, Charil, Charyl and Cherell are more novel as forms of Cheryl. Not found before the 1920s .. [Shyrill, Shyril, Shiral, Sheryell, Sherryl, Sherril, Sheril, Sherianne, Sherrell, Sharyll, .. 40 more]

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Jewel names: Amber, Amethyst, Beryl, Cheryl, Crystal

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Jewel names: Diamond, Emerald, Esmeralda, Garnet, Gemma, Greta

.. possibly from Welsh meaning "sea jewel" .. Cordula, Kordula, etc. are uncommon as baby names. [Kordulla, .. 2 more]


.. into the shape of a gemstone .. A conventional baby name (#717 LAST YEAR), Crystal is also used somewhat often as a surname. [Krystyl, Krystlelea, Krystle, Krystil, Krystelle, Krystalin, Krystaleen, Krystale, Kristol, Kristle, .. 62 more]


The gemstone first used as a .. Usage of Diamond as a birth name has fallen off since 1999. [Diamontina, Diamonique, .. 3 more]


Derivative of English word. "Precious gemstone." Adoption of Emerald and variants as birth names in 2018 was down 18.7% compared to a decade ago. Jewel name: Emerald is the birthstone .. [Esmeralda, Emmarald, Em, .. 3 more]


.. esmeralda for the prized green gemstone .. Em (TOP 20%), Emerald (76%), Esmeralda (45%), Lala (15%) and Lolly (80%) are found commonly as last names. [Smeralda, Ezzie, Esmee, Esmarelda, Esmaralda, Emerant, Emmie, Em, .. 13 more]

Origin fr. Spanish element. "Flower of pearl." Not Top 2000 name.


A dark red gemstone named for .. Usage of Grenata and variants was well-received in the 1910s, but now, Garnet has become less stylish. [Grenatta, Grenata, .. 2 more]


Derivative of Latin. "Gem, jewel." Somewhat common as girls' names, Gemma, Jemsa, etc. are similar to the conventional Jessa. [Jemsa, Jemma, Gemmalynn, Gem, .. 1 more]

Root fr. Italian, Greek elements. "Pearl." Ghina is a moderately popular girl's name. Diminutive of Margherita. [Gita, .. 1 more]


Root fr. German, Greek elements. "Pearl." Greta has gained in prominence since 1993. Short form of Margaret .. [Gryta, Grietje, Grethel, Grete, Greeta, .. 8 more]

Quick Reference

Summary Index of Jewel names [and variants] for girls.

1. Agate - Greta
Agate, Alumina [Allumina], Amber [Ambur, Ambre, Ambar, Ambereen, Amberetta], Amethyst [Amatista, Amethist, Amathyst, Amethiste], Beryl [Beryn, Berry, Berri, Beryle, Berrie, Berylla], Bich, Bijou [Bijoux], Cameo [Cammeo], Ceinwen [Cain, Keyne], Cheryl [Shyril, Shiral, Sheryl, Shyrill, Sheryll, Sheryle, ..], Cordula [Kordula, Kordulla, Cordulla], Crystal [Krystl, Krystyl, Krystol, Krystle, Krystlea, Krystlelea, ..], Diamond [Diamante, Diamanta, Diamanda, Diamontina, Diamonique], Emerald [Em, Emmarald, Emeraude, Emeralda, Esmeralda, Emeraldina], Esmeralda [Lala, Lolly, Ezzie, Marilda, Smeralda, Ezmeralda, ..], Flordeperia, Garnet [Granata, Grenata, Grenatta, Garnette], Gemma [Gem, Jemsa, Jemma, Gemmalyn, Gemmalynn], Ghita [Gita, Geeta], Greta [Gryta, Grette, Gretta, Gretna, Grietje, Grethel, ..]

Gretel, Gretchen, Jade [Zhade, Jayde, Jayda, Jaydra, Jayden, Jaydee, ..], Jearl [Jerle], Jetta [Jett, Yette, Jette], Jewel [Jewell, Jewelyn, Jewelle, Jewella, Juelline, Jewelisa], Jumana [Jumanna, Jumanah], Lulu, Madge, Magali [Magaly, Maggali, Magalie, Magaley], Maggie [Maguy, Magli, Maggy, Maggi, Maggey, Magali], Maisie [Mazie, Mazey, Maisy, Maizie, Maisey, Maisee], Mamie [Mame, Mayme, Maime], Manika, Margaret [Peg, Rita, Peggy, Meyta, Peggie, Pegeen, ..], Margery [Marjy, Marjie, Marjory, Marjori, Marjorie, Marjorey, ..], Marjorie [Marjy, Marji, Marjie, Marjory, Marjery, Marjorey, ..], Meg, Megan [Meggy, Meghan, Meggie, Meighan, Meghann, Meghanne, ..], Meta

Opal [Opall, Opaline, Opalina], Padme [Padma], Pearl [Perle, Perley, Perlita, Perline, Perlline, Perlette, ..], Peggy [Peg, Pegg, Peggie, Pegeen], Peninah [Pnina], Reta [Reda, Reeta, Rheta, Reeda, Rhetta], Rita [Riet, Rida, Ritta, Rieta, Reita, Rheeta], Ruby [Rubie, Rubia, Rubyna, Rubina, Rubinia, Rubianne, ..], Sapphire [Safira, Sephira, Saphira, Sapphira], Soraya [Subaru, Soreeyah], Topaz, Ula [Ulla, Ulli, Eula, Yulla]

Usage comparison for Jewel names
