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Girl Names associated with Literary
Literary baby names and what they mean, for literary, novel, story, tale, with 211 results. These names from literature, from the 17th century up to more modern times, are a rich source of imaginative names. Usage of these girl names reached its apex 38 years ago (USAGE OF 15.8%) and is somewhat less today (USAGE 10.2%, ▼35%), with names such as Gladys going out of style. The more fashionable baby names among these are Charlotte (#6), Amelia (#8), Aurora (#44), Harper (#9) and Scarlett (#20), while Omelia (TOP 23%) and Orden (64%) are common surnames. Here is the list of Literary names for boys.
Adela - Beatrice
.. character in the novels of Dornford .. Aela is also a somewhat common birth name. [Edelle, Adelita, .. 8 more]
.. Literary: Italian poet Ludovico Ariosto used .. Common as surnames. Compare Alcina (UPPER 82%), Alzina, etc. with popular last names Arrona (UPPER 29%), Aracena (22%), which also end with -na. [Alzina, Alsyna, Alseena, Alcine, .. 6 more]
.. Literary: poets and playwrights brought this .. Amanda has trended downward in favor as a baby name since 1992. [Mandy, Mandie, Manda, Amandy, Amandine, Amandi, Amandah, Amada, .. 7 more]
.. the Kathleen Winsor novel and film, .. Amber (TOP 21%) and Ambre (82%) exist frequently as last names. [Ambur, Ambre, Amberetta, Ambereen, .. 1 more]
.. heroine of his novel "Amelia" (1751) .. Emma and forms were popular a century ago and have remained common, but with Amy becoming less stylish. [Milly, Meelia, Malika, Mali, Emilia, Emeline, Amy, Amilia, Amelyna, Amaliya, .. 37 more]
.. was based on this story (1956) .. Anastasia is a contemporarily stylish form. [Tasya, Tasja, Tasiya, Stasiya, Stasia, Stacey, Nastya, Nastassja, Nastassia, Anya, .. 37 more]
.. Montogomery's story "Anne of Green Gables" .. Popularly used, with usage of 0.791% for Anne and variants as baby names in 2018, but lower than 0.858% a year ago. [Onie, Nonie, Nita, Netty, Nanni, Nanette, Nancie, Nance, Nan, Hajna, .. 86 more]
.. Willa Cather novel "My Antonía" .. Antonia, Antoinette, etc. became less trendy last year, dropping -248 positions as girls' names with Toni leading the decline. [Tunna, Tunke, Tonya, Tonie, Tonette, Toinette, Netta, Antoniya, Antonisha, Antonie, .. 28 more]
.. god of sunlight, music, and poetry .. Rather quirky as a girls' name. [Appolonia, Apolonia, Apolline, .. 7 more]
Literary: the Forest of Arden in .. Ardeen and variants soared in popularity 9 decades ago and are almost as common now, but with Ardis becoming less in vogue. [Ardis, Ardenia, Ardene, .. 3 more]
Literary: Shakespeare gave the name to .. Somewhat common as girls' names, Arielle, Ariel, etc. are similar to the familiar Ardelle. [Ariellia, Ariellel, Ariella, Arie, .. 7 more]
Literary: an elf maiden in Tolkien's .. Arwen and Arwyn became more popular in 2018, gaining +155 rankings as birth names with Arwen gaining the most. [Arwyn]
.. Literary: there is a character Ashley .. Adoption of Ashley and variants as children's names in 2018 was down 76.1% compared to a decade ago. [Lee, Ashlye, Ashly, Ashlie, Ashleigh, Ashlea, Ashle, Ashelei, Ashalee, .. 13 more]
.. Literary: Shakespeare used the name for .. Audra (TOP 16%), Audrey (4%) and Audrie (100%) are commonplace women's names. [Audrye, Audree, Audi, Audessa, .. 13 more]
.. Literary: P.G. Wodehouse's foppish hero .. Adoption of Augusta, Augustyne, etc. as girls' names in 2018 was down 38.1% compared to 2008. [Tina, Gussie, Gus, Augustine, Augustina, Auguste, Asta, Agustina, Agostina, .. 8 more]
.. of the fairy tale "Sleeping Beauty" .. Aurora, Zorica, etc. became more trendy in 2018, gaining +206 rankings as baby names with Zora rising the most. [Zorica, Zora, .. 5 more]
Literary: Ayla is the heroine of .. Somewhat common as a birth name, Ayla is comparable to the familiar Myla. See also Lyla.
.. of famous Arabic poetry by Khalill .. A peculiar baby name, Bader is found more conventionally as a last name. [Badr]
.. usually one that tells a story. Ballade is rare as a birth name. See also Bolade.
.. Literary: beloved heroine of Dante's Divine .. Usage of Beatrice, Beeatrisa, etc. as baby names in 2018 was up 0.8% compared to the previous year. [Trixy, Trixie, Beeatrissa, Beatriss, .. 20 more]
Quick Reference
Summary Index of Literary names [and variants] for girls.
1. Adela - BeatriceAdela [10], Alcina [10], Amanda▼ [15], Amber▼ [5], Amelia▲ [47], Anastasia▲ [47], Anne▼ [96], Antonia▼ [38], Apollonia [10], Arden▲ [6], Ariel [11], Arwen [1], Ashley▼ [22], Audrey▲ [17], Augusta▼ [17], Aurora▲ [7], Ayla▲, Bader [1], Ballade, Beatrice▼ [24]
Becky▼ [1], Bedelia [3], Beth▼ [3], Bonnie▼ [17], Brett [5], Bronte, Cadence [8], Calliope▲ [3], Calpurnia, Cameo [1], Camilla▲ [38], Candida [5], Careen [2], Carinthia, Cassandra▼ [48], Catriona [13], Celeste [46], Ceri [2], Ceridwen [6], Charlotte▲ [99]
Charmian [8], Chloe [8], Christabel [13], Cimarron [3], Cinderella [5], Cindy▼ [21], Claribel [1], Clarinda [1], Clarissa▼ [24], Claudia▼ [20], Claudine▼ [1], Clelia [1], Clio [2], Clorinda [2], Columbine [2], Consuelo▼ [6], Coralie [4], Cordelia [16], Corinna▼ [41], Corinne▼ [28]
Corisande [3], Cosette [2], Courtney▼ [37], Cressida [2], Cynthia▼ [52], Daisy▼ [9], Deborah▼ [24], Desdemona [1], Desiree▼ [15], Dido, Dora▼ [36], Dorothy▼ [40], Dorrit [2], Edina [4], Edna▼ [9], Eithne [11], Elaine▼ [26], Eleanor [78], Electra [6], Eliza [10]
Eloise▲ [8], Elsa▼ [7], Eluned [11], Emily [75], Emma [27], Enid▼ [8], Esme▲ [6], Esmeralda [21], Estelle▼ [13], Ethel▼ [21], Euron [4], Euronwy, Eurydice [2], Evangeline▲ [14], Evelina▲ [4], Fiona▲ [7], Fiora, Fleur [3], Francesca▲ [6], Genesis▲ [11]
Genevieve▼ [19], Gigi [2], Gladys▼ [9], Glenda▼ [3], Godiva, Griselda▼ [18], Gudrun [11], Gwenith [1], Harper▲, Harriet▼ [16], Heaven▲ [2], Heidi▼ [7], Heledd [1], Heloise [5], Hermia [3], Hermione [6], Hero, Hester▼ [7], Hypatia [3], Imogen▲ [7]
Iphigenia [7], Isabel [43], Jancis [2], Janice▼ [19], Jennifer▼ [37], Jerusha [3], Jo▼ [29], Juliet▲ [8], Justine▼ [11], Kalliope [1], Karla▼ [10], Katniss, Kinsey [6], Kizzy▼ [2], Lalage [2], Lalla, Lara [6], Laura▼ [59], Leah▲ [5], Leonora▼ [11]
Linnea [9], Livia▲ [5], Lolita▼, Lorelei▲ [13], Lorna▼ [1], Lynette▼ [10], Mab [3], Madeline [63], Maisie▲ [6], Malvina▼ [10], Mamie▼ [3], Maria▼ [17], Marjorie▼ [19], Mavis, Medora, Mehitabel [6], Melanie [30], Mercedes▼ [3], Mignon [5], Minta▼ [1]
Mona▼ [6], Monica▼ [10], Myra [5], Nefertiti, Nydia [2], Olwen [4], Padme [1], Perdita, Phaedra [7], Phillida [3], Phoebe▲ [6], Pollyanna, Provence, Ramona▼ [17], Rebecca▼ [55], Rima, Rowena▼ [5], Sabrina▼ [11], Scarlett▲ [3], Selima [3]
Shani [1], Sheherezade [4], Stella [5], Suellen [1], Susan▼ [67], Susanna▼ [11], Tara▼ [5], Tarleton [1], Tessa▲ [5], Thais [4], Thelma▼ [2], Theodosia [7], Theresa▼ [46], Thisbe, Titania [5], Tracy▼ [9], Trilby [6], Tristana [2], Twyla [4], Una▼ [6]
Undine [5], Vanessa▼ [50], Vanna [3], Veda▲ [5], Villette, Wendy▼ [9], Xaviera [7], Yancey [3], Zara▲ [10], Zoe▲ [10], Zuleika [2]