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Girl Names associated with Meadow
Meadow baby names and what they mean, for meadow, reed, clearing, with 34 results. These girl names were at the height of their popularity 68 years ago (USAGE OF 3.89%) and are now much less popular (USAGE 0.8%, ▼79%), with names such as Lee becoming somewhat dated. The more fashionable names for newborns among these are Harley (#225), Ripley (#1228), Waverly (#977), Hadley (#104) and Whitley (#997), while Hudley (TOP 36%) and Waitley (72%) are popular last names. Here is the list of Meadow names for boys.
Ainsley - Langley
Derived fr. Old English word. "Only hermitage wood or clearing." Aisley is also a somewhat common baby name. Originally a place name .. [Aynslie, Ainslee, .. 5 more]
Source fr. Hebrew language. "Blooming meadow." Popular. Compare Ardith, Ardath and common last names Anseth (TOP 96%), Asmuth (91%), with the -th suffix. Ardith is also an old Swedish .. [Ardis, Ardella, Ardell, .. 3 more]
Source fr. Old English word. "Hare meadow." Gender-neutral name. Rather quirky as a girls' name.
Root fr. Old English. "Ash meadow." A very conventional girls' name (#129 THE PAST YEAR) that is also used somewhat often as a last name. [Lee, Ashli, Ashleigh, Ashleah, Ashlea, Ashelei, .. 17 more]
Origin fr. Old English language. "Berry clearing; bailiff; city fortification." Bailey, Bailee, Baylee and Bayleigh are Top 2000 baby names. Occupational name .. [Bayly, Bayley, Bayleigh, Baylee, Bali, Baleigh, Baily, Bailee, .. 8 more]
Origin fr. Old English. "Meadow of bent grass." Bentley and variants became less popular in 2018, dropping -38 positions as birth names with Bentley falling the most. Place name used as surname and .. [Bently, Bentlea, .. 2 more]
Derived fr. Old English language. "Beaver stream or meadow." Used frequently as girls' names, Beverly, Verlie, etc. are similar to the common Vernie. Originally an English place name and .. [Verlye, Verly, Verlie, Lee, Bevlyn, Beverlye, Beverlie, Bevalee, Bev, .. 9 more]
From Old English word. "Broad meadow." Bradlee (UPPER 77%), Bradley (1%) and Bradly (22%) exist commonly as last names. Place name .. [Bradly, Bradleigh, .. 2 more]
Based on Latin. "Reed." Canna is unusual as a girls' name. See also Chanya. Name of a genus of plants ..
Root fr. Old English. "Camp on the meadow." Chesleigh, Chesslea, etc. were not among 2018's Top names. Also a variant of Chelsea and .. [Chessli, Chessley, Cheslie, Chesley, .. 4 more]
Root fr. Scottish, Gaelic. "From the dales, the valley meadows." Usage of Dallas, Dallis, etc. as baby names in 2018 was 8.3% less than the previous year. [Dallis, .. 1 more]
.. Actress Donna Reed; swimmer Donna Devarona .. Ladonna (UPPER 16%), Donnie (33%), Donetta (64%) and Donella (86%) are commonplace women's names. [Ladonna, Donnisse, Donnie, Donnell, Donica, Donelle, .. 20 more]
Derived fr. Old English language. "Fern meadow." Fernley, Fernly, etc. were not Top birth names in 2018. Place name. [Fernly, Fernlie, .. 3 more]
Clearing in the woods. Glade is not a Top 2000 name. Cross-gender use.
Derived fr. Old English word. "Heather meadow." Hadley (TOP 1%) and Hedley (19%) appear regularly as surnames. Name of Ernest Hemingway's first wife. [Hedly, Hedlie, Hedleigh, Hadleigh, .. 4 more]
Based on Old English word. "Hay meadow." Haley, Haleigh, etc. became less trendy in 2018, dropping on average -10 positions as girls' names with Haylee dropping the most. Variant of Hailey .. [Haylie, Hailey, .. 5 more]
Derived fr. Old English language. "Hare meadow; rock meadow." Harley, Harlee, Harleigh and Harlie were Top birth names in 2018. .. ær "rock", and lêah "clearing" .. [Harly, Harlene, Harleigh, Harleen, Harlea, Arlea, .. 7 more]
Origin fr. Old English element. "Hay meadow." Hayley, Haylea, etc. became less trendy last year, falling -387 rankings as birth names with Hailie leading the fall. Surname which derives from a place .. [Haylie, Haylea, Haleigh, Haily, Hailey, Haely, .. 13 more]
Source fr. Middle English language. "Fighter's meadow." Compare last names Kemsley (UPPER 73%), Kempler (43%). [Kemply, .. 3 more]
Root fr. Old English. "Long meadow." Rather quaint as a baby name, Langley is found more commonly as a last name. Place name. [Langleigh, Langlee, .. 1 more]
Quick Reference
Summary Index of Meadow names [and variants] for girls.
1. Ainsley - LangleyAinsley▲ [Ansley, Aynslie, Aynsley, Aynslee, Ainslie, Ainslee, Ainsleigh], Ardith▼ [Ardis, Ardell, Ardath, Aedelle, Ardella, Ardelia], Arleigh, Ashley▼ [Lee, Ashly, Ashli, Ashlye, Ashlie, Ashlen, Ashlei, Ashleigh, ..], Bailey [Bali, Bayly, Bayla, Baylie, Bayley, Baylee, Baleigh, Bayleigh, ..], Bentley [Bently, Bentlee, Bentlea, Bentleigh], Beverly▼ [Lee, Verly, Buffy, Bevvy, Verlye, Verlie, Verlee, Bevverly, ..], Bradley [Bradly, Bradlee, Bradlea, Bradleigh], Canna, Chesleigh [Chesli, Chessli, Cheslie, Chesley, Cheslea, Chesslie, Chessley, Chesslea], Dallas▲ [Dallis, Dalles], Donna▼ [Donya, Donny, Donni, Donnie, Ladonna, Donnica, Donnisse, Donnelle, ..], Fernley [Fernly, Fernlie, Fernlee, Fernlea, Fernleigh], Glade, Hadley▲ [Hedly, Hadly, Hedlie, Hedley, Hedlea, Hadlea, Hedleigh, Hadleigh], Haley▼ [Halea, Haylie, Hayley, Haylee, Hailey, Hailee, Haleigh], Harley▲ [Harly, Harli, Harlie, Harlee, Harlea, Harlene, Harleen, Harleigh, ..], Hayley▼ [Hally, Halie, Haley, Haylie, Haylee, Haylea, Haleigh, Hayleigh, ..], Kempley [Kemply, Kemplie, Kemplea, Kempleigh], Langley [Langlea, Langlee, Langleigh]
Lee▼ [Lea, Leigh], Leland, Marlee▲ [Marlie, Marley, Marleigh], Mead [Meade], Oralee [Orli, Orlee, Orali, Oralit], Pamela▼ [Pammy, Pammie, Pammela, Pamilla, Pamelyn, Pamella, Permelia, Pamelynne, ..], Raleigh [Raley, Rawley, Railey, Rawleigh, Raileigh], Reed [Reid, Read, Reida, Reade], Ripley▲, Shelley▼ [Shelly, Shelli, Shellie, Shellee, Schelley], Shirley▼ [Shirly, Shurlee, Shirlyn, Shirlley, Shirline, Shirlene, Shirlinda, Shirleigh, ..], Waverly▲ [Waverley], Weslee [Weslie, Weslia, Wesleya], Whitley▲ [Whitlea, Whittley, Whitelea]