Home > Medieval Names

Girl Names associated with Medieval

Medieval baby names and what they mean, for medieval, classical, victorian, renaissance, with 65 results. Adoption of these girl names was at its apex in the 1890s (ADOPTION OF 10%) and has become significantly lower since (ADOPTION 4.6%, 54.1%), with names like Paige falling out of fashion. The more fashionable baby names in this list are Amelia (#8), Ava (#3), Octavia (#430), Kora (#522) and Colette (#533), while Antona (TOP 99%) and Omelia (23%) are common last names. Here is the list of Medieval names for boys.

Medieval names

Adela - Clarimond | Clarissa - Joan | Juno - Ruth | Segovia - Ysabel

Adela - Clarimond


.. name popular in medieval Europe because .. Aela is also a somewhat popular birth name. [Edelle, Adelle, Adella, Adalie, Adalia, .. 5 more]


.. Common in medieval times, and revived .. Common as surnames. Compare Allisson, var. with popular -son surnames Acheson (TOP 9%), Olison (86%). [Alysoun, Alysanne, Allysanne, Allsun, Allisson, Allisann, Allie, Allcen, Alisoun, Alisanne, .. 18 more]


.. In medieval times this was a .. A moderately untypical children's name, Alva is used more frequently as a surname. [Alvit, Alvah, .. 5 more]


Blend of two medieval names: the .. Popular as children's names, Millie, Amelia, etc. are similar to the popular Billie. [Milly, Emmy, Emilia, Emelina, Em, Amelita, Amalyna, Amaly, Amaliya, Amaline, .. 37 more]

.. Tasso (16th century) of the Renaissance. Minta (TOP 67%) and Minty (53%) appear regularly as surnames. [Minty, Minta, Eminta, Amintah, .. 1 more]

Used in the classical period as .. Adoption of Ann and variants was up in the 1930s and has become lower, with Ann becoming somewhat dated. [Thia, Antheia, Ann, .. 6 more]


.. Anthony, used since classical times, when .. Somewhat common as birth names, Tunna, Antonia, etc. sound like the common Teena. [Tunna, Tunke, Tonya, Toos, Tonette, Toini, Nettie, Antonnette, Antonique, Antonie, .. 28 more]

.. goddess of justice in classical mythology .. A quirky children's name. [Astraeia]


.. Avis or Aveline, medieval given names .. Ava has gained in popularity as a children's name since 1980-1989. [Ayva, Avlynn, Avis, Avelyn, Aveline, Avalyn, .. 5 more]

.. its variants date from medieval times. Outside Top 2000. [Blysse, Blyss, Blisse]

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Medieval names: Adela, Alison, Alva, Amelia, Antonia

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Medieval names: Ava, Cecily, Chloe, Christian, Christiana

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Medieval names: Claire, Clara, Clarice

Medieval and modern short form of .. Conventional, with usage of 0.011% for Cass and variants as children's names in 2018, higher than 0.011% a year ago. [Cassy, Cassie]


From the medieval vernacular form of .. Cecily (TOP 43%) and Cicely (66%) are conventional as women's names, whereas Cilly, Sessy, Sicili and Sissy are unique. [Sissy, Sicili, Cicely, .. 2 more]


.. used in the classical period to .. Chloe and Khloe are in the Top 2000. [Kloe, Clorinda, Clo, Chloee, .. 4 more]

Medieval coinage from the name of .. Rather quirky as a girls' name. [Crystabella, Cristabell, Cristabel, Chrystobel, Chrystabel, Christabella, .. 8 more]


.. for women in medieval times, but .. Christian, Christiana, Christianna and Cristian are commonly used as variations. [Kristienne, Khristian, Cristianna, Cristiana, Christina, Christiaan, .. 12 more]


Medieval learned feminine form of Christian .. Christiana and variants became less popular in 2018, dropping on average -6 rankings as girls' names with Christiana leading the decline. [Tiana, Krystiana, Kristiannhe, Christianni, Christiann, .. 15 more]


.. notable saints of the medieval period .. Adoption of Claire and variants as birth names in 2018 was 3.1% less than 2017. [Searra, Klayre, Klaretta, Klaire, Clorinda, Clayrinda, Claryce, Clary, Clarry, Clarita, .. 51 more]


Post classical name from the feminine .. Chiara, Clare, Claribel, Clarine and Klara are prevalent as versions of Clara. [Klarra, Klara, Clarrie, Clarita, Clare, .. 16 more]


Medieval English and French form of .. Clarice has declined in popularity as a baby name circa the 1920s. [Klarysa, Clerysse, Cleryce, Clerissa, Clarisse, Clarisa, Claris, Claressa, .. 7 more]

Medieval French name from Latin "clarus" .. Not that prominent as a children's name. [Clarimunde, Claramond, .. 2 more]

Quick Reference

Summary Index of Medieval names [and variants] for girls.

1. Adela - Clarimond
Adela [Edelle, Adelle, Adella, Adellah, ..], Alison [Alyson, Alysoun, Alysann, Alysanne, ..], Alva [Alvit, Alvah, Allie, Albinia, ..], Amelia [Milly, Melia, Millie, Meline, ..], Aminta [Minty, Minta, Eminta, Amynta], Anthea [Thia, Antia, Anthia, Anthoula, ..], Antonia [Tony, Tunna, Tunke, Tonya, ..], Astraea [Astraeia], Ava [Ayva, Avis, Avlynn, Avelyn, ..], Bliss [Blyss, Blysse, Blisse], Cass [Cassy, Cassie], Cecily [Sissy, Sessy, Cilly, Sicili], Chloe [Kloe, Khloe, Khloey, Clorinda, ..], Christabel [Crystabel, Crystabella, Cristabelle, Cristabella, ..], Christian [Kristian, Kristien, Khristian, Kristienne, ..], Christiana [Tiana, Tiahna, Krystyiana, Krystianne, ..], Claire [Seara, Searra, Klyara, Kliara, ..], Clara [Klara, Klarra, Clarry, Clarrie, ..], Clarice [Klarysa, Klaryce, Klarise, Klarissa, ..], Clarimond [Claramond, Clarimunde, Claramonde, Claramonda]

Clarissa [Klarisa, Klarrisa, Klarissa, Clorissa, ..], Clemence [Clemmie, Clemency, Clementine, Clementina, ..], Colette [Kolette, Collett, Collete, Collette, ..], Concordia [Concord, Concorde], Constance [Tina, Kosta, Kostatina, Konstanze, ..], Cora [Koryne, Lacoria, Koryssa, Korynna, ..], Courtney [Kourty, Kourtni, Quartney, Kourtnie, ..], Cynthia [Synthya, Synthie, Synthia, Syntheea, ..], Emma [Ima, Emmy, Emmye, Emmylou, ..], Ermine [Ermin, Ermina, Erminne, Erminia], Felicia [Phylicia, Phelicia, Phyllisha, Phyllicia, ..], Florence [Floss, Flossy, Flossie, Flossey, ..], Fulvia, Gaynor [Gayna, Gayner, Gaenor], Giselle [Giza, Gizela, Gizelle, Gizella, ..], Gwenllian, Helen [Nora, Nelly, Yelena, Nonnie, ..], Hester [Hetty, Hettie, Hestia, Hesther, ..], Jay [Jeh, Jey, Jeyla, Jaylene, ..], Joan [Joni, Jone, Jonee, Joannue, ..]

Juno [Junot, Junia, Juneau, Juneaux], Katelyn [Kitlyn, Katlyn, Katlynn, Katlynne, ..], Kora [Koryssa, Korynna, Korrine, Korrina, ..], Latisha [Letitia, Letisha, Lettisha, Letticia, ..], Lauda, Laura [Lory, Lorry, Lorri, Lorrie, ..], Lavinia [Vinnie, Luvina, Luvinia, Luvenia, ..], Leta [Lita, Leeta], Letitia [Tish, Tisha, Letty, Letycja, ..], Lucretia [Tia, Lucrezia, Lucresha, Lucreisha, ..], Marian [Marion, Maryann, Mariane, Maryanne, ..], Morgan [Morgin, Morgen, Morgayne, Morganne, ..], Octavia [Tavy, Tavie, Tavia, Ottavia, ..], Olwen [Olwin, Olwyn, Olwenn, Olwynne], Ouida, Pagan, Paige [Page, Payge, Paget, Pagett, ..], Pearl [Perley, Perline, Perlita, Perlline, ..], Regina [Rina, Riona, Reyna, Rionagh, ..], Ruth [Ruthi, Ruthie, Ruthine, Ruthina, ..]

Segovia, Thomasina [Tommy, Tommi, Tommye, Tommie, ..], Tristana [Tristen, Tristenna], Vicenza [Vichenza, Vichensa, Vicenzia, Vichensia], Ysabel [Ysbel, Ysobel, Ysbella, Ysabelle, ..]

Usage comparison for Medieval names
