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Girl Names associated with Noble
Noble baby names and what they mean, for noble, lady, aristocrat, patrician, with 129 results. Usage of these girl names reached its peak 9 decades ago (ADOPTION OF 15.3%) and is now significantly less (ADOPTION 4.9%, 67.9% LESS), with names such as Alice becoming less fashionable. The trendier names for newborns among these are Adeline (#78), Alina (#157), Arya (#119), Caroline (#55) and Freya (#266), while Olivi (TOP 84%) is a familiar surname. Here is the list of Noble names for boys.
Aaricia - Agave
Based on Scandinavian language. "Proud, distinguished and noble princess." Unconventional, but Aaricia is comparable to popular last names Agurcia (TOP 70%), Garicia (90%), with the -cia suffix. See also Airica.
.. a term for a lady's maid .. Abagael, Abagale, Abageal, Abagil and Abaigael are more rarefied as variations of Abigail. [Gayle, Gal, Gaila, Abigil, Abigayl, Abegale, Abbygael, Abbye, Abby, Abbigayle, .. 33 more]
Origin fr. French element. "Noble." Aceline and Asceline are not Top 2000 names. Feminine of Acelin. [Asceline]
Stems fr. Old German word. "Noble." Usage of Adia and variants was well-received among parents a century ago and is now less. A pet form of Adele and .. [Aidah, Adiah, Ade, Addy, Addi, Adan, .. 9 more]
Derivative of Old German element. "Noble, precious promise." Unique, with the feminine -isa suffix for Adalgisa, like Annalisa. Italian name .. [Adelvice, Adelgise, .. 1 more]
Stems fr. Hebrew, Old German words. "Noble one." Adalia and variants became more trendy in 2018, gaining on average +38 positions as birth names with Adalee leading the upswing. See also Adelaide. [Addala, Addal, Adala, .. 5 more]
Derivative of Arabic, Greek, Hebrew. "Noble." Somewhat popular as baby names, Adara, Adra, etc. are pronounced like the conventional Adira. [Adrah, Adra]
Origin fr. Old German, Old English elements. "Noble; son of Adam." Used widely as children's names, Addie and Addy are similar to the popular Audie. Short form of Adelaide, Adeline, or .. [Addy]
Stems fr. Teutonic word. "Noble cheer." Outside Top 2000.
Origin fr. Old German language. "Noble." Popular, with usage of 0.038% for Adela and variants as girls' names in 2018, but lower than 0.047% the previous year. Latinate form of Adele, which is .. [Edelle, Adelle, .. 8 more]
Based on Old German. "Noble kind." Used frequently as children's names, Heidi, Adelaide, etc. are pronounced like the popular Heide. .. down by seven other noble ladies .. [Laidey, Lady, Elke, Eline, Delly, Delli, Dell, Alyosha, Aliosha, Aline, .. 48 more]
From Old German language. "Noble." Adelie is rarely adopted as a girls' name. See also Adelis. Adélie is the French elaboration ..
Stems fr. Old German language. "Noble, soft, tender." Usage of Adelinde and variants as girls' names in 2018 was 9.5% less than the year before. Modern use is also a blend .. [Linda, Adeline, .. 2 more]
Based on Old German element. "Noble." Addie (UPPER 21%), Aline (80%), Deline (17%), Delly (38%) and Lina (31%) are found commonly as last names. French diminutive of Adela .. [Lina, Delyne, Delly, Dalina, Ahdella, Adellah, Adelind, Addilyn, Adalynn, Adalyn, .. 19 more]
Derived fr. German. "Noble, famous." Adelea is a slightly prominent birth name. See also Adelfa. Feminine of Adelmar.
Derived fr. Teutonic. "Noble, renowned." Adema (UPPER 34%), Adama (66%) are common surnames. See also Adina.
Derivative of Hebrew language. "Noble, gentle, delicate." Uncommon, with usage of 0.008% for Adina and variants as baby names in 2018, higher than 0.007% a year ago. Also possibly "longing". [Adine, Adena, Adeena, Adeana, .. 2 more]
Based on Hebrew language. "Strong, noble, powerful." Usage of Adira and variants as birth names in 2018 was down 2.7% compared to a year ago. [Edira, .. 1 more]
Derivative of Old German element. "Noble wolf." Sparing use. Adolpha, Adolfa and Adollfa are not found in the US Demographics. Feminine of Adolph. [Adollfa, Adolfa]
Derivative of Greek element. "Illustrious, noble." A peculiar children's name. See also Agape.
Quick Reference
Summary Index of Noble names [and variants] for girls.
1. Aaricia - AgaveAaricia, Abigail [43], Aceline [1], Ada▼ [14], Adalgisa [3], Adalia [8], Adara [2], Addie▼ [1], Addula, Adela [10], Adelaide▲ [58], Adelie, Adelinde [4], Adeline▲ [29], Adelma, Adima, Adina [6], Adira [2], Adolpha [2], Agave
Aili, Akela [1], Alarice [4], Alberga [3], Alberta▼ [31], Alcinda [4], Aldona, Alice▼ [102], Alicia▼ [32], Aliki, Alina▲ [25], Alison▼ [28], Alix [7], Altagracia [2], Arabella▲ [17], Arista [2], Artemis [2], Arwen [1], Arya▲ [1], Audra▼
Audrey▲ [17], Barbara▼ [53], Beibhinn [1], Betty▼ [12], Bibi [2], Breanna▼ [28], Brett [5], Brianda▼ [1], Brianna▼ [44], Brina [6], Brionna▼ [5], Carmel▼ [45], Caroline▲ [104], Clarissa▼ [24], Consuelo▼ [6], Della▼ [4], Delma▼ [3], Dolly▼ [3], Domina, Dona▼
Donna▼ [25], Dulce▼ [20], Ealga, Edelmira, Edlyn [5], Elberta [2], Eleanor [78], Elfrida [25], Eliza [10], Elke [4], Elmira▼ [19], Esyllt, Ethel▼ [21], Ethelberta, Etheldreda [1], Ethelinda [10], Eugenia▼ [16], Fatima▲ [5], Fay▼ [8], Freya▲ [1]
Frieda▼ [3], Galatea [2], Gene▼ [1], Geraldine▼ [35], Gevira, Gladys▼ [9], Godiva, Guadalupe▼ [2], Hilary▼ [16], Imelda [4], Isabel [43], Isolde [16], Jacqueline▼ [51], Jane▼ [93], Jezebel [8], Kinsey [6], Ladonna▼ [1], Lady [2], Latrice▼ [8], Laura▼ [59]
Leonora▼ [11], Lindsay▼ [21], Luz [3], Madonna▼ [1], Majida [2], Mamie▼ [3], Martha▼ [33], Matriona [5], Mercedes▼ [3], Mona▼ [6], Nabila [2], Nancy▼ [16], Ninon [2], Olivia▲ [25], Patricia▼ [21], Payton [1], Paz, Rawnie, Rosalind [41], Rosalyn▲ [5]
Rosario, Socorro [4], Talbot [3], Talisa, Tricia▼ [11], Vanessa▼ [50], Vevina, Vivian [25], Yara▲ [2]