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Girl Names associated with Power
Power baby names and what they mean, for power, with 26 results. These girl names were at the peak of their popularity 4 decades ago (ADOPTION OF 1.6%) and are somewhat less conventional today (ADOPTION 1%, ▼34.6%), with names like Isis becoming less stylish. Ainsley (#399), Aubrey (#36), Jade (#111) and Maeve (#334) are four of the more trendy baby names in this list, while Abrey (TOP 49%) and Dovi (48%) are familiar last names. Here is the list of Power names for boys.
Adira - Ragnild
Based on Hebrew element. "Strong, noble, powerful." Aaira is also a slightly prominent kid's name. [Edira, Adeera]
.. have numerous magical and curative powers .. Agate (cf. Arzate, Adgate) is a popular -ate suffix last name. See also Agace.
.. borne by a powerful family long .. Usage of Ainsley, Aynslie, etc. as baby names in 2018 was 9.7% more than the previous decade. [Aynslie, Aynslee, Ainslie, Ainslee, .. 3 more]
.. noun, which means "power of attraction". Compare surnames Allara (UPPER 88%), Alluri (72%). [Alura, .. 2 more]
Origin fr. Old German word. "Work power; home leader." Gender-neutral name. Usage of America as a birth name in 2018 was down 72.3% compared to 10 years ago. Feminine of Amerigo, the name of ..
.. name of a powerful African empire .. Shauntee and forms rose in popularity in 2002 and have become less popular, with Ashanti falling out of fashion. [Shauntee, Shauntae, Shanti, Shantee, Ashaunta, Ashantee, Ashante, Ashantay, .. 7 more]
Derivative of Old German. "Elf or magical being, power." Well-used, with usage of 0.535% for Aubrey and variants as birth names in 2018, but lower than 0.605% the previous year. Originally a man's name, from Norman .. [Aubury, Aubry, Aubrie, Aubrette, Aubree, Aubre, .. 8 more]
.. to have healing powers after being .. Uncommon, with the unconventional androgynous -da ending, like Belenda.
Source fr. Portuguese word. "Power." Brites is rarely used as a children's name. Also variant of Bridget.
.. her exercise of power for good .. Not in popularity charts. See also Debi.
Derivative of Old English element. "Rich and powerful." Edris (UPPER 87%) and Edra (97%) are frequently occurring as feminine names, while Eidra and Eydra are scarcely used. Feminine of Edric. [Eydra, .. 2 more]
.. Her powerful personality, intelligence, and energy .. Eleanor and variants became less popular in 2018, falling on average -1 position as baby names with Nelly leading the decline. [Norina, Norah, Nora, Nelle, Nell, Leora, Leonore, Leonora, Lenora, Leanora, .. 68 more]
Ing was a powerful god of .. Inga has declined in popularity as a girls' name circa 1890-1899. [Inngeborg, Ingeborg, Inge, Ingaberg, .. 4 more]
The most powerful of all the .. Usage of Isis as a baby name has declined circa 2005.
.. have the magical power of providing .. A very popular children's name (#111 THE PAST YEAR) that also occurs somewhat often as a surname. [Zhade, Jaydra, Jayde, Jaidra, Jadyn, Jady, Jadrian, Jadra, Jaden, Jadee, .. 14 more]
.. who converted Cyprian, a powerful sorcerer .. Justa (UPPER 89%) and Justine (70%) exist commonly as last names. [Justyne, Justie, Justa, .. 8 more]
.. Ceneric meaning "bold power", and Cyneric .. Kendra has trended downward in favor as a children's name since 1990. [Lakendra, Kyndria, Kyndra, Kindra, Kenndrea, Kendria, Kendrea, Kenda, Kandra, .. 11 more]
.. name of the powerful and legendary .. Maeve, Meave, etc. became more popular in 2018, rising on average +9 positions as birth names with Maeve leading the rise. [Meave, .. 1 more]
Root fr. Greek. "Powerful love." Somewhat infrequent as a girls' name now, but Philomena is still recorded frequently as a female first name. Name of a popular saint who .. [Philomina, Filumena, Filomena, Filimena, .. 2 more]
Source fr. Teutonic element. "All knowing power." Reinheld and variants are uncommon as birth names. [Reynilde, Ragnhilde, Ragnhilda, .. 7 more]
Quick Reference
Summary Index of Power names [and variants] for girls.
1. Adira - RagnildAdira [Edira, Adeera], Agate, Ainsley▲ [Ansley, Aynslie, Aynsley, Aynslee, Ainslie, Ainslee, Ainsleigh], Allura [Alura, Allure, Alloura], America▼, Ashanti▼ [Shanti, Shantee, Shauntee, Shauntae, Ashuntae, Ashaunti, Ashaunte, Ashauntee, ..], Aubrey▲ [Aubri, Aubry, Aubury, Aubrie, Aubriana, Aubrette, Aubrianne, Aubrianna, ..], Bethesda, Brites, Devi, Edris [Edra, Eydra, Eidra], Eleanor [Nore, Nora, Norah, Nelly, Nelli, Norina, Nonnie, Nellie, ..], Inga▼ [Inge, Innga, Inger, Ingeborg, Ingegerg, Ingaborg, Ingaberg, Inngeborg], Isis▼, Jade▲ [Zhade, Jayde, Jayda, Jaydra, Jayden, Jaydee, Jaidra, Jaiden, ..], Justine▼ [Justy, Justie, Justyne, Justyna, Justinn, Justina, Justene, Justeene, ..], Kendra▼ [Kinna, Kyndra, Kindra, Kennah, Kyndria, Kenndra, Lakendra, Kenndrea, ..], Maeve▲ [Mave, Meave], Philomena▼ [Filumena, Filomene, Filomena, Filimena, Philomina, Philomene], Ragnild [Renilde, Renilda, Reynilde, Reynilda, Reinheld, Ranillda, Ragnilda, Ragnhilde, ..]
Ricarda [Richia, Richmal, Richina, Richette, Richenza, Richenda, Richmalle, Richilene, ..], Salvia [Salvina, Sallvia], Sibyl▼ [Sybel, Sybil, Sybill, Sybille, Sybilla, Sybelle, Sybella, Sibylla, ..], Stephanie▼ [Stevey, Stevie, Stesha, Stevena, Stevana, Steshka, Stevonne, Stevonna, ..], Tully, Ulrica [Ulka, Ulla, Ulrike, Ulrika, Uulrica, Ullrica, Uhlrike, Ullricka, ..]