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Girl Names associated with Power


Names may be associated with a word, eg. Raven is associated with "dark" but does not mean "dark".

Power baby names and what they mean, for power, with 26 results. These girl names were at the peak of their popularity 4 decades ago (ADOPTION OF 1.6%) and are somewhat less conventional today (ADOPTION 1%, 34.6%), with names like Isis becoming less stylish. Ainsley (#399), Aubrey (#36), Jade (#111) and Maeve (#334) are four of the more trendy baby names in this list, while Abrey (TOP 49%) and Dovi (48%) are familiar last names. Here is the list of Power names for boys.

Power names

Adira - Ragnild | Ricarda - Ulrica

Adira - Ragnild


Based on Hebrew element. "Strong, noble, powerful." Aaira is also a slightly prominent kid's name. [Edira, Adeera]

.. have numerous magical and curative powers .. Agate (cf. Arzate, Adgate) is a popular -ate suffix last name. See also Agace.


.. borne by a powerful family long .. Usage of Ainsley, Aynslie, etc. as baby names in 2018 was 9.7% more than the previous decade. [Aynslie, Aynslee, Ainslie, Ainslee, .. 3 more]

.. noun, which means "power of attraction". Compare surnames Allara (UPPER 88%), Alluri (72%). [Alura, .. 2 more]


Origin fr. Old German word. "Work power; home leader." Gender-neutral name. Usage of America as a birth name in 2018 was down 72.3% compared to 10 years ago. Feminine of Amerigo, the name of ..


.. name of a powerful African empire .. Shauntee and forms rose in popularity in 2002 and have become less popular, with Ashanti falling out of fashion. [Shauntee, Shauntae, Shanti, Shantee, Ashaunta, Ashantee, Ashante, Ashantay, .. 7 more]


Derivative of Old German. "Elf or magical being, power." Well-used, with usage of 0.535% for Aubrey and variants as birth names in 2018, but lower than 0.605% the previous year. Originally a man's name, from Norman .. [Aubury, Aubry, Aubrie, Aubrette, Aubree, Aubre, .. 8 more]

.. to have healing powers after being .. Uncommon, with the unconventional androgynous -da ending, like Belenda.

Source fr. Portuguese word. "Power." Brites is rarely used as a children's name. Also variant of Bridget.

.. her exercise of power for good .. Not in popularity charts. See also Debi.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Power names: Adira, Ainsley, America, Ashanti, Aubrey

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Power names: Edris, Eleanor, Inga, Isis, Jade

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Power names: Justine, Kendra, Maeve, Philomena


Derivative of Old English element. "Rich and powerful." Edris (UPPER 87%) and Edra (97%) are frequently occurring as feminine names, while Eidra and Eydra are scarcely used. Feminine of Edric. [Eydra, .. 2 more]


.. Her powerful personality, intelligence, and energy .. Eleanor and variants became less popular in 2018, falling on average -1 position as baby names with Nelly leading the decline. [Norina, Norah, Nora, Nelle, Nell, Leora, Leonore, Leonora, Lenora, Leanora, .. 68 more]


Ing was a powerful god of .. Inga has declined in popularity as a girls' name circa 1890-1899. [Inngeborg, Ingeborg, Inge, Ingaberg, .. 4 more]


The most powerful of all the .. Usage of Isis as a baby name has declined circa 2005.


.. have the magical power of providing .. A very popular children's name (#111 THE PAST YEAR) that also occurs somewhat often as a surname. [Zhade, Jaydra, Jayde, Jaidra, Jadyn, Jady, Jadrian, Jadra, Jaden, Jadee, .. 14 more]


.. who converted Cyprian, a powerful sorcerer .. Justa (UPPER 89%) and Justine (70%) exist commonly as last names. [Justyne, Justie, Justa, .. 8 more]


.. Ceneric meaning "bold power", and Cyneric .. Kendra has trended downward in favor as a children's name since 1990. [Lakendra, Kyndria, Kyndra, Kindra, Kenndrea, Kendria, Kendrea, Kenda, Kandra, .. 11 more]


.. name of the powerful and legendary .. Maeve, Meave, etc. became more popular in 2018, rising on average +9 positions as birth names with Maeve leading the rise. [Meave, .. 1 more]


Root fr. Greek. "Powerful love." Somewhat infrequent as a girls' name now, but Philomena is still recorded frequently as a female first name. Name of a popular saint who .. [Philomina, Filumena, Filomena, Filimena, .. 2 more]

Source fr. Teutonic element. "All knowing power." Reinheld and variants are uncommon as birth names. [Reynilde, Ragnhilde, Ragnhilda, .. 7 more]

Quick Reference

Summary Index of Power names [and variants] for girls.

1. Adira - Ragnild
Adira [Edira, Adeera], Agate, Ainsley [Ansley, Aynslie, Aynsley, Aynslee, Ainslie, Ainslee, Ainsleigh], Allura [Alura, Allure, Alloura], America, Ashanti [Shanti, Shantee, Shauntee, Shauntae, Ashuntae, Ashaunti, Ashaunte, Ashauntee, ..], Aubrey [Aubri, Aubry, Aubury, Aubrie, Aubriana, Aubrette, Aubrianne, Aubrianna, ..], Bethesda, Brites, Devi, Edris [Edra, Eydra, Eidra], Eleanor [Nore, Nora, Norah, Nelly, Nelli, Norina, Nonnie, Nellie, ..], Inga [Inge, Innga, Inger, Ingeborg, Ingegerg, Ingaborg, Ingaberg, Inngeborg], Isis, Jade [Zhade, Jayde, Jayda, Jaydra, Jayden, Jaydee, Jaidra, Jaiden, ..], Justine [Justy, Justie, Justyne, Justyna, Justinn, Justina, Justene, Justeene, ..], Kendra [Kinna, Kyndra, Kindra, Kennah, Kyndria, Kenndra, Lakendra, Kenndrea, ..], Maeve [Mave, Meave], Philomena [Filumena, Filomene, Filomena, Filimena, Philomina, Philomene], Ragnild [Renilde, Renilda, Reynilde, Reynilda, Reinheld, Ranillda, Ragnilda, Ragnhilde, ..]

Ricarda [Richia, Richmal, Richina, Richette, Richenza, Richenda, Richmalle, Richilene, ..], Salvia [Salvina, Sallvia], Sibyl [Sybel, Sybil, Sybill, Sybille, Sybilla, Sybelle, Sybella, Sibylla, ..], Stephanie [Stevey, Stevie, Stesha, Stevena, Stevana, Steshka, Stevonne, Stevonna, ..], Tully, Ulrica [Ulka, Ulla, Ulrike, Ulrika, Uulrica, Ullrica, Uhlrike, Ullricka, ..]

Usage comparison for Power names
