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Girl Names associated with Righteous


Names may be associated with a word, eg. Raven is associated with "dark" but does not mean "dark".

Righteous baby names and what they mean, for righteous, law, judge, justice, with 20 results. These girl names were at the top of their popularity 58 years ago (ADOPTION OF 3.52%) and are now much less common (ADOPTION 0.19%, 94.7%), with names such as Deborah becoming less trendy. Uram (TOP 22%) and Daniell (9%) are popular last names. Here is the list of Just names for boys.

Righteous names

Acima - Viveka

Derived fr. Hebrew language. "God will judge." Aaima is a moderately common birth name. Feminine of Acim. [Acimah, Achimah, .. 1 more]

Source fr. Arabic element. "Righteous, fair." Unconventional, but Adila is similar to popular last names Argila (TOP 80%), Arcila (20%), which also end with -ila. See also Adella. Feminine of Adil.

Derivative of Tamil element. "Righteous woman." Compare last names Aran (TOP 45%), Ara (26%).


From Greek language. "Righteous." Areta and forms were popular with parents during 1920-1929, but now, Retha has become less stylish. Singer Aretha Franklin, the goddess of .. [Retha, Reatha, Arletha, Aretta, Arethusa, .. 9 more]

The goddess of justice in classical .. Not in popularity charts. [Astraeia]


Origin fr. Hebrew, Latvian, Lithuanian words. "God is my judge; song; melody." Daina is a frequently occurring (UPPER 77%) women's name. See also Dyana. Name of one of the twelve ..


Derived fr. Hebrew, French words. "God is my Judge." Danielle has been the most well-known version, though Daniela is now the more favored form, while versions like Danita are now somewhat dated. Feminine variant of Daniel .. [Doneille, Danyell, Danny, Danniella, Danni, Danijela, Daniela, Danie, Danice, Danette, .. 26 more]


.. part of the Book of Judges .. Usage of Deborah and variants as children's names in 2018 was 52.7% more than a decade ago. [Dobra, Devora, Debra, Debor, Debbra, Debbie, Debbee, Debb, .. 16 more]

.. the sisters in law of the .. Hamna and Hamnah are rare as baby names. [Hamnah]


.. are prudence, fortitude, temperance, and justice. Adoption of Justice and variants as children's names in 2018 was 7.5% less than a decade ago. [Justyce, Justiss]

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Righteous names: Aretha, Daina, Danielle, Deborah, Justice

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Righteous names: Kimberly, Kimi, Kimiko, Sandra


.. Judge Kimba Wood. Kimber is a trendy version. [Kymbrely, Kymberley, Kymberlee, Kimblyn, .. 18 more]


Based on Japanese word. "Upright, righteous." A somewhat untypical girls' name nowadays, though Kimi still occurs frequently as a first name for women. Kimiko means "righteous child". In the .. [Kimiko]


Stems fr. Japanese language. "Righteous child." A somewhat quaint girls' name these days, though Kimiko is still found often as a feminine first name. See also Kumiko.

Root fr. Spanish word. "The law." Uncommon as a children's name, but Leya is comparable to the more common Leia. See also Lenya.

Origin fr. Japanese language. "Law, order." Neriko and Niriko are creative forms. See also Nariko.

.. Actress Phyllida Law. Outside Top 2000. [Phyllida, Phillyda, .. 1 more]

.. and brother in law, is transformed .. Philomela and Philomella are rare as birth names. [Philomella]


.. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor. Sandy (UPPER 4%), Sanda (31%), Sandra (33%), Sandi (39%) and Sandie (75%) are found frequently as last names. [Zandra, Sonndra, Sandy, Sandrette, Sandrella, Sandee, .. 18 more]

.. the goddess of justice who is .. Themis, Temis, etc. are not Top 2000 names. [Themiss, .. 2 more]

Stems fr. Hindi word. "Righteous." Viveka is uncommon as a girls' name. See also Vivika.

Quick Reference

Summary Index of Righteous names [and variants] for girls.

1. Acima - Viveka
Acima [Acimah, Achima, Achimah], Adila, Aram, Aretha [Retha, Oreta, Reatha, Orette, Oretta, Oretha, Laretha, Arletha, ..], Astraea [Astraeia], Daina, Danielle [Dany, Danya, Danyell, Dannyce, Doneille, Danyelle, Danyella, Dhanielle, ..], Deborah [Debs, Dobra, Devora, Debrah, Devorah, Debriana, Debralee, Debreanna, ..], Hamna [Hamnah], Justice [Justyce, Justiss], Kimberly [Kym, Kymbra, Kymbrely, Kymberly, Kymberlie, Kymberley, Kymberlee, Kymberleigh, ..], Kimi [Kimiko], Kimiko, Leya, Noriko, Phillida [Fillida, Phyllida, Phillyda], Philomela [Philomella], Sandra [Zandra, Sondra, Sonndra, Sohndra, Saundra, Sauhndra, Sanndria, Wysandria, ..], Themis [Temis, Temiss, Themiss], Viveka

Usage comparison for Righteous names
