Home > Silver Names

Girl Names associated with Silver


Names may be associated with a word, eg. Raven is associated with "dark" but does not mean "dark".

Silver baby names and what they mean, with 10 results. These girl names were at the apex of their popularity in 2014 (USAGE OF 0.3%) and are somewhat less conventional today (USAGE 0.2%, 29%). Ariana (#68) is the most chic baby name in this list, while Argenti (TOP 42%) and Silvar (54%) are conventional last names.

Silver names

Aranrhod - Taja

.. a modern variant meaning "silver wheel". Not Top 2000 names. [Arianrhod]

Root fr. French language. "Silver." Unusual, but Argene is comparable to common last names Anene (TOP 82%), Abbene (55%), which also end with -ene. [Arjean, .. 1 more]

Source fr. Latin word. "Silver." Compare surnames Argeta (TOP 39%), Argento (14%). .. named for the silver its early .. [Argentina, Argentia, .. 1 more]


Derivative of Welsh word. "Silver." A very familiar birth name (#68 IN 2018), Ariana also exists frequently as a first name for women. Also the simplified Italian variant of .. [Aryonna, Aryanna, Ariane, .. 6 more]

Based on Welsh element. "White, holy silver." Unusual. Arianwen (compare Anwen) ends with the androgynous -en. Name of one of the daughters .. [Arianwyn]

From Welsh element. "Silver." Erian is a somewhat common girl's name. Modern name derived from arian .. [Eirianwen, Eirianedd, Eirana, .. 1 more]

From Arabic element. "Silver pearl." Jemana and Jumara are creative variations. [Jumanna, .. 1 more]

Name of the precious metal. Not in popularity charts. [Silverie, .. 1 more]

.. Silver and Vesta are nicknames. Not in popularity charts.


.. with the meaning silver and yellow .. Somewhat common as birth names, Taija, Taja, etc. are similar to the familiar Tasia. [Tajiana, Tajah, .. 6 more]

Quick Reference

Summary Index of Silver names [and variants] for girls.

1. Aranrhod - Taja
Aranrhod [Arianrhod], Argene [Arjean, Arjane], Argenta [Argelia, Argentia, Argentina], Ariana [Aryana, Aryonna, Aryanna, Arriana, Arionna, Arieana, Arianne, Arianna], Arianwen [Arianwyn], Eirian [Eirana, Eirianwen, Eirianedd, Eirienell], Jumana [Jumanna, Jumanah], Silver [Silverie, Silverey], Silvestra, Taja [Taji, Tajia, Tajah, Taija, Taisha, Tajiana, Tajanee, Tajanae]

Usage comparison for Silver names
