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Girl Names of Spanish Origin

Spanish baby names and what they mean, for spanish, spain, with 164 results. These Spanish names are from the Ibero-Romance group of languages derived from Latin, and are used in Spain and by Spanish-speaking peoples. These girl names reached the peak of their popularity 78 years ago (USAGE OF 5.3%) and have become much less conventional since (USAGE 1%, 80.6%), with names such as Jessenia becoming less fashionable. The more fashionable birth names here are Belen (#794), Hana (#727), Jimena (#446), Maya (#61) and Reina (#652), while Bielen (TOP 30%) and Beelen (88%) are conventional surnames. Here is the list of Spanish names for boys.

Spanish names

Adoncia - Braulia | Brianda - Drina | Duena - Immaculada | Inez - Luisa | Lupita - Morisa | Natura - Pilar | .. - .. | Zandra - Zureidy

Adoncia - Braulia

"Sweet." Uncommon. Compare Adoncia, Doncia and common -ia surnames Agurcia (UPPER 70%), Andia (47%).

"Forgiveness." Agraciana, Agracianna and Agracyanna are not Top 2000 names.

"Sweet." Aldonta and Aldonya are creative forms. See also Alldonna.

Combined form of "beloved" and "pretty". Not in Top 2000.


"Guidance, protection." Amparo is conventional (UPPER 21%) as a female name, and is found frequently (UPPER 16%) as a last name.


Originally a Spanish pet form of .. Anita soared in popularity during 1950-1959 and is now less conventional, with Anita becoming less trendy. See also Anet.

"Treasure chest." Unique. Arcelia (cf. Alia) uses the common feminine-sounding -lia suffix. Also variant of Araceli.

"Masculine." Rather uncommon as a children's name. Feminine of Arsenio ..

"Perfect." Not in popularity charts. Also variant of Artemis and a ..

"Sky blue." Azul and forms were popular in 2008 and have become less conventional, with Azul becoming less stylish. The color, from azul ..

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Spanish names: Amparo, Anita, Baila, Belen, Benita, Bonita


"Dance." Used widely as birth names, Beyla, Baila, etc. are pronounced like the conventional Beulah.

"Lower." Bahja is a slightly prominent kid's name. See also Bama. Geography name ..


"Bethlehem." Adoption of Belen as a baby name in 2018 was 18.8% more than the previous decade. See also Helen.

"Little beauty." Not Top 2000 names. Also nickname of Isabel.

"Blessed one." Benicia and Benecia are uncommon as girls' names. A town in Northern California.


"Blessed." Less used today. Benita was the version last listed (1992) in the Top 2000. Feminine variant of Benedict ..

Variant of Vivian. Unique. Bibiana is not listed in the US Demographics. See also Bobina.

"Welcome." Bienvenida is not often used as a girls' name.


"Pretty." Used somewhat widely as children's names, Bonnie, Bonita, etc. are similar to the popular Connie. Coined in America in the 1940s ..

"Shining." Unique. Braulia, similar to Basilia, has the androgynous-sounding -lia ending. Feminine of Braulio.

Quick Reference

Summary Index of names [and variants] for Spanish names for girls.

1. Adoncia - Braulia
Adoncia, Agraciana, Aldonza, Amelinda, Amparo, Anita [Nita], Arcelia, Arsenia, Artemisia, Azure, Baila, Baja, Belen, Belita, Benicia, Benita [Nita], Bibiana, Bienvenida, Bonita [Nita], Braulia

Brianda, Buena, Cabalina, Calida, Candelaria, Chalina, Chavela, Chiquita, Consuelo, Corazon, Daira, Damita, Deja [Deyanira], Delores, Deyanira, Dita, Dolores [Delores], Dona, Dorinda, Drina

Duena, Edelmira, Eldora, Engracia, Esmeralda, Esperanza, Estefany, Fiby, Fiesta, Fina, Flordeperia, Fuensanta, Gitana, Guadalupe [Lupita], Hana, Heladia, Herminia, Hermosa, Hersilia, Immaculada

Inez [Ynez], Inocencia, Itzel, Jacinda, Jaime, Javiera, Jenara, Jessenia [Yesenia], Jesusa, Jimena, Joaquina, Juanita [Nita], Kiki, Lareina, Latoya, Leya, Linda, Llesenia, Lucita, Luisa

Lupita, Luz, Macaria, Madra, Mafalda, Manuela, Maravilla, Maricela, Mariposa, Maristela, Marlin, Maya, Mercedes, Mesa, Migdalia, Milagros, Mireya, Mirta, Morena, Morisa

Natura, Neiva, Neneca, Nereida [Nerida], Nerida, Nidia, Nina, Ninfa, Nita, Oracia, Orquidea, Otamisia, Pacifica, Paquita, Parmenia, Paz, Pepita, Perfecta, Piedad, Pilar

Querida, Queta, Rafaela, Ramona, Raquel, Refugia, Reina, Remedios, Rey, Rima, Rita, Rocio, Salvadora, Santana, Savannah, Sefarina, Senalda, Sevilla, Sierra, Siria

Socorro, Solana, Soledad, Talisa, Tani, Tia, Tierra, Toya, Tranquilina, Tulia, Venerada, Verdad, Verde, Vida, Vina, Visitacion, Yesenia, Ynez [Inez], Yoconda, Yolanda

Zandra, Zaneta, Zerlinda, Zureidy

Usage comparison for Spanish names
