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Girl Names associated with Spring
Spring baby names and what they mean, for spring, with 36 results. These girl names were at the height of their popularity during 1880-1889 (ADOPTION OF 1.41%) and have become significantly less widespread since (ADOPTION 0.45%, DOWN 68%), with names like Easter going out of style. Maia (#502), Azalea (#510) and Phoebe (#320) are three of the more chic girl names here, while Aprile (TOP 23%) is a familiar last name.
Andromeda - Kelda
.. a shrub that blooms in spring. Uncommon, but Andromeda is comparable to common surnames Alameda (UPPER 12%), Araneda (87%), which also end with -eda.
.. 17th century poets to symbolize spring. Anthea and forms were favored as birth names in the 1930s and are now less popular, with Ann falling out of fashion. [Thia, Anthia, Antheia, Anthe, Ann, .. 4 more]
.. used to symbolize spring, the time .. April has waned in popularity as a children's name circa the 1970s. [Avrill, Averell, Averel, Aprilete, .. 12 more]
.. Indian word possibly meaning "small spring". Unconventional, with usage of 0.008% for Arizona as a baby name in 2018, higher than 0.007% in 2017.
Source fr. Hebrew element. "Springtime." Usage of Aviva, Haviva, etc. as birth names in 2018 was up 16.7% compared to the year before. The source expression also means young .. [Viva, Avivit, Auvit, .. 3 more]
.. dry soil and blooms in spring .. Popular as girls' names, Azalea, Azalia, etc. are comparable to the popular Analia. [Azaleia, Azalia]
.. and uncovered a spring near Lourdes .. Bernadette, Berna, etc. became more popular in 2018, rising +46 rankings as girls' names with Bernadette rising the most. [Berny, Bernita, Bernina, Bernie, Berneta, Bernessa, Bernardine, Bernardette, Bernadine, Bernadina, .. 21 more]
.. of a legendary goddess of springs .. Brigantia is not frequently adopted as a children's name.
.. fell into a spring on Mount .. Catalia is a slightly favored kid's name. [Kastalia, .. 1 more]
Root fr. Latin language. "Relating to springtime." Not Top 2000 names. Appropriate for a spring baby. [Sarilia, .. 2 more]
.. was also the goddess of spring .. Chloris, Chloress, etc. are uncommon as birth names. [Kloris, Chloress, .. 2 more]
.. her return in spring causes the .. Usage of Cora as a children's name has dwindled since the 1880s. [Lacoria, Koryssa, Korry, Korilla, Corynne, Corynna, Corrissa, Corrine, Corrina, Correna, .. 48 more]
.. appropriate for a spring baby. Scarce. Daffodil is not listed in the US Demographics.
Root fr. English. "Christian spring festival." Less widespread today. Easter was last listed in the 1950s in the Top 2000. See also Eistir.
.. of the Roman goddess of spring .. Flor (TOP 30%), Florentina (53%), Floria (91%), Florinda (53%) and Florrie (91%) are recognizable women's names. [Flory, Florise, Floris, Florine, Floriana, Floria, Floretta, Floressa, Florenza, Florentina, .. 21 more]
Derivative of French word. "Fountain spring." Unusual, with the androgynous-sounding -ne suffix for Fontanne, Fontaine, like Fabianne. [Fontaine]
.. first signs of spring in a .. Not in Top 2000.
.. to prepare it for spring planting .. Common, with usage of 0.016% for Ingrid and variants as birth names in 2018, but lower than 0.016% the previous year. [Ingmar, Inge, .. 2 more]
.. word meaning "isle with many springs" .. Rare as baby names, but Jamaica, Jamaeca, etc. are pronounced like the more common Jamika. [Jemayka, Jemaica, Jamaeca, .. 1 more]
Based on Old Norse word. "Spring, fountain." Outside Top 2000. [Kellda]
Quick Reference
Summary Index of Spring names [and variants] for girls.
1. Andromeda - KeldaAndromeda, Anthea [Thia, Antia, Anthe, Anthia, Antheya, Antheia, Annthea, Anthoula], April▼ [Avril, Avrill, Averyl, Averil, Averyll, Averill, Averell, Averylle, ..], Arizona, Aviva [Viva, Avivi, Auvit, Haviva, Avivit, Avivah], Azalea▲ [Azalia, Azaleia], Bernadette▼ [Berny, Bernie, Bernita, Bernina, Berneta, Bernette, Bernetta, Bernessa, ..], Brigantia, Castalia [Kastalia, Castallia], Cerelia [Sarilia, Sarelia, Cerella], Chloris [Kloris, Cloris, Khloris, Chloress], Cora▼ [Korry, Koryne, Korrie, Korina, Lacoria, Koryssa, Korynna, Korinne, ..], Daffodil, Easter▼, Flora▼ [Flory, Florry, Floris, Florrie, Florita, Florise, Florine, Florinda, ..], Fontanne [Fontaine], Forsythia, Ingrid [Inge, Inga, Inger, Ingmar], Jamaica [Jemayka, Jemaica, Jamaika, Jamaeca], Kelda [Kellda]
Laverne▼ [Verne, Lavern, Loverna, Leverne, Laverna, Laverrne, Laverine], Maia▲ [May, Mya, Moya, Moja, Moia, Maya, Maja, Mayah, ..], Marcella▼ [Maricel, Marselle, Marsella, Marquita, Marsiella, Marshella, Marsalina, Marsellonia, ..], Mendota, Nana, Phoebe▲ [Febe, Pheby, Phebe, Pheabe, Phoeboe, Phoebey], Primavera, Primrose [Primula, Primorosa, Primarosa], Season, Snowdrop, Spring, Summer [Somer, Summers, Sommers], Suzu, Tamiko▼, Verna▼ [Virna, Vernis, Vernie, Vernita, Vernise, Vernice, Vernisha, Vernette, ..], Winter [Wynter, Wintar]