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Boy Names associated with 17th Century

Seventeenth century baby names and what they mean, with 53 results. Adoption of these boy names reached its highest in the 1880s (USAGE OF 15.5%) and has become much lower since (USAGE 4.6%, 70%), with names such as Frank going out of style. The more fashionable boy names here are Ezra (#59), Elias (#67), Gideon (#308), Raphael (#527) and Titus (#312), while Torner (TOP 45%) and Gedeon (12%) are popular surnames. Here is the list of 17th century names for girls.

17th names

Artemas - Ezra | Fairfax - Maurice | Moses - Vincent

Artemas - Ezra

.. Puritans in the 17th century, but .. Common. Compare Artemas, Artimas and popular -mas surnames Armas (TOP 5%), Admas (80%). [Arty, Artimus, Artie, Artemus, Artemis, Artemio, .. 4 more]


.. the Puritans in the 17th century. Asa is a commonly occurring (UPPER 93%) masculine name, whereas Ase is uncommonly used. [Ase]


.. an English saint's name (17th century). Usage of Ashlan and variants was widespread in the 1890s and is now lower, with Ashley going out of style. [Lee, Ashlynn, Ashleigh, Ashelie, Asheley, .. 11 more]


.. as late as the 17th century .. Used widely as birth names, Austin, Austyn, etc. are comparable to the popular Dustin. [Ostynn, Ostyn, Austyn, .. 2 more]


.. England into the 17th century, but .. Baldwin (UPPER 1%), Baudoin (11%), Bald (18%) and Baldovino (48%) are found regularly as surnames. [Baudoin, Baldewin, .. 8 more]


.. was a brilliant 17th century child .. Adoption of Blaise and variants as children's names in 2018 was down 8.3% compared to a year ago. [Blaze, Blayze, Blase, Blaize, Blais, .. 1 more]


.. England in the 17th and 18th .. A familiar children's name (#1099 IN LATEST RANKINGS), Boaz is also found frequently as a surname. [Boase, .. 1 more]


.. Plymouth colony, William Bradford (17th century) .. Bradfurd and forms were popular with parents during 1970-1979, but now, Brad has become less in vogue. [Brad, .. 2 more]


.. especially since the 17th century reigns .. Usage of Charles as a children's name has fallen off circa the 1920s. [Karoly, Karol, Karel, Chaz, Charly, Charls, Charlot, Charleson, Cary, Carl, .. 17 more]


.. given name from the 17th century .. Cliff (TOP 50%) and Clifford (12%) are commonplace men's names, while Clyff, Clyfford and Clyford are intermittently used. [Clyford, Cliff, .. 2 more]

Top 2000 baby names ranking of 17th names: Asa, Ashley, Austin, Baldwin, Blaise

Top 2000 baby names ranking of 17th names: Boaz, Bradford, Charles, Clifford, Constant

Top 2000 baby names ranking of 17th names: Cosmo, Don, Ebenezer, Edmund, Eli

Top 2000 baby names ranking of 17th names: Elias, Ezra


.. Christians in the 17th century, partly .. Constant grew in popularity a century ago. See also Konstant.


.. to Britain in the 17th century .. Less common today. Cosmo was the variation last appearing (1950-1959) in the Top 2000. [Kosmo, .. 2 more]

17th century reformer Oliver Cromwell; actor .. Cromwell is unique as a baby name.

.. Bergerac was a 17th century soldier .. Not that common as a baby name. [Cyran]


.. John Donne, the 17th century poet .. A conventional birth name (#1501 THE PAST YEAR), Don also occurs often as a last name. [Donny, Donnan, Donn, .. 2 more]


.. the Puritans in the 17th century .. Somewhat atypical as a birth name, Ebenezer occurs more conventionally as a last name. [Evenezer, .. 9 more]


.. the 16th and 17th centuries, Edmund .. Edmund, Eddie, Edmond and Ted are common as variations. [Teddy, Ted, Edmondine, Edmonde, Eddie, Eadmund, .. 14 more]


.. among Puritans in the 17th century .. Conventional, with usage of 0.339% for Eli and variants as boys' names in 2018, but lower than 0.362% in 2017. [Heli, Eloy, .. 3 more]


.. Common in the 17th century and .. Adoption of Elias and variants as baby names in 2018 was up a lot compared to the previous decade. [Ilyas, Ilie, Elyas, Ellis, Eliyahu, Elie, Elice, .. 15 more]


.. the Puritans in the 17th century .. Usage of Ezra, Azur, etc. as children's names in 2018 was up 15.5% compared to a year ago. [Ezri, Ezrah, Esra, .. 4 more]

Quick Reference

Summary Index of 17th century names [and variants] for boys.

1. Artemas - Ezra
Artemas [Arty, Artie, Artimus, Artimis, Artimas, Artemus, ..], Asa [Ase], Ashley [Lee, Ashly, Ashlyn, Ashlynn, Ashlinn, Ashling, ..], Austin [Ostin, Ostyn, Ostynn, Austyn, Austen], Baldwin [Baudoin, Baldwyn, Balldwin, Baldwynn, Baldwinn, Balduino, ..], Blaise [Blaze, Blase, Blais, Blayze, Blaize, Blaisdell], Boaz [Boas, Boase], Bradford [Brad, Bradfurd, Braddford], Charles [Karl, Karol, Karel, Karoly, Karolik, Karolek, ..], Clifford [Clyff, Cliff, Clyford, Clyfford], Constant, Cosmo [Kosmo, Cosme, Cosimo], Cromwell, Cyrano [Cyran], Don [Donn, Donny, Donne, Donnie, Donnan], Ebenezer [Ebenzer, Evenezer, Eveneser, Ebenezar, Ebeneser, Ebeneezer, ..], Edmund [Ted, Ned, Odon, Teddy, Neddie, Eumann, ..], Eli [Ely, Heli, Eloy, Eloi, Elie], Elias [Ilya, Ilja, Ilia, Ilyas, Ilija, Ilyaas, ..], Ezra [Ezri, Ezer, Esra, Azur, Ezrah, Esdras]

Fairfax, Frank [Franz, Frantz, Franky, Franck, Frankie, Francke, ..], Galileo, Gamaliel [Gmali, Gamliel], Gavan, Ghazi, Gideon [Gidi, Gidon, Hedeon, Gideone], Gobind [Govind, Govinda, Gobinda], Gottlieb, Greville [Grevill], Harvard, Henry [Rico, Heriot, Henryk, Hinrich, Herrior, Henrique, ..], Herrick [Herrik, Herryck], Hiram [Hy, Hi, Hyrum, Hyram, Hirom], Hobbes [Hob, Hobbs], James [Jim, Jimmy, Jimbo, Jemmy, Seamus, Jimmie, ..], Kenelm [Kennelm, Kenhelm], Martin [Marty, Morten, Martyn, Marton, Martinus, Martinos, ..], Mather [Matther, Maither], Maurice [Moss, Morris, Morrey, Morriss, Morrill, Morrice, ..]

Moses [Moss, Mozes, Mosie, Moyses, Mosiah, ..], Noah [Noe, Noak, Knoa, Noach, Norrie], Raphael [Ravel, Raffael, Rafello, Raphello, Raphaello, Raffaello, ..], Schuyler [Skylor, Skyler, Skylar, Skuyler, Schyler, Schylar], Seraphim [Seraph, Saraph, Serafin, Serafino, Sarafino, Seraphimus], Skyler [Skylor, Skylen, Skylar, Skyller, Skyelar, Skielor, ..], Taj [Tahj], Taz [Tazz, Tazman, Tasman], Titus [Tito, Titos], Trenton [Trentin, Trenten], Turner, Vandyke, Vincent [Vinny, Vinnie, Vinzenz, Vincien, Wincenty, Vinicent, ..]

Usage comparison for 17th names
