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Boy Names associated with 18th Century

Eighteenth century baby names and what they mean, with 47 results. Adoption of these boy names reached its highest in the 1880s (ADOPTION OF 6.6%) and has become significantly diminished since (ADOPTION 2.2%, 67%), with names such as Oscar becoming somewhat outmoded. The trendier baby names among these are Julian (#36), Wesley (#105), Owen (#25), Boone (#669) and Solomon (#388), while Semon (TOP 11%) and Julin (29%) are familiar surnames. Here is the list of 18th century names for girls.

18th names

Addison - Lothar | Mather - Stephen | Stuart - Wistar

Addison - Lothar


.. and influential through the 18th century. Common as surnames. Compare Adisson, var. and popular -son last names Ackison (UPPER 76%), Asleson (25%). [Adisson, Adison, Addy, Addeson, Ad, .. 1 more]

.. 300 AD until the 18th century. Antioco, Antiochus, etc. are not Top 2000 names. [Antiochus, .. 2 more]


.. Britain in the 18th century, when .. Augustus, Gus, etc. became less trendy in 2018, dropping -75 rankings as boys' names with Austen leading the decline. [Guus, Austen, Augy, Augusto, Augustin, Auguste, Augie, .. 7 more]


.. Delaware in the 18th and 19th .. Usage of Bajardo and forms peaked a decade ago. [Baylen, Bay, Bajardo, .. 1 more]


.. common until the 18th century, and .. Bernard, Berend, etc. became more popular in 2018, rising +133 positions as birth names with Bernardo leading the rise. [Vernados, Bernt, Bernis, Bernardino, Berend, Barnie, Barnhardo, .. 16 more]


.. in the 17th and 18th centuries .. A common boys' name (#1099 IN RECENT RANKINGS), Boaz also occurs frequently as a surname. [Boase, .. 1 more]


.. Daniel Boone (18th century), the legendary .. Adoption of Boone is at its apex today. See also Boni.

James Boswell (18th century) was a .. Not in popularity charts.


.. Another William Bradford (18th century) was .. Bradford (UPPER 1%) and Brad (37%) are found regularly as surnames. [Brad, Bradfurd, Braddford]


.. An illustrious 18th century governor of .. Well-used, with usage of 0.016% for Clinton and variants as birth names in 2018, higher than 0.015% the year before. [Klint, .. 2 more]

Top 2000 baby names ranking of 18th names: Addison, Augustus, Bayard, Bernard, Boaz

Top 2000 baby names ranking of 18th names: Boone, Bradford, Clinton, Ephraim, Garrick

Top 2000 baby names ranking of 18th names: George, Griffith, Julian, Livingston


.. mostly in the 18th and 19th .. Efrayim and forms peaked in popularity in 2004 and are almost as popular now. [Yefrem, Ephrim, Ephream, Ephraem, Efraim, .. 10 more]

.. the Ossianic poems (18th century) for .. Fingal and variants became more popular in 2018, gaining +1 ranking as children's names with Finn leading the rise. [Fionghall, Finn, Fingall, .. 1 more]

.. used in the 18th century but .. Galfrid and Gal are not frequently used as baby names. [Gal]


18th century English actor David Garrick .. Less widespread today. Garrick was the form last listed (2006) in the Top 2000. [Garryk, Garreck, .. 3 more]


.. popular in the 18th century when .. Usage of George, Yorik, etc. as children's names in 2018 was down 1.5% compared to the previous year. [Ygor, Yorik, Yiorgos, Yegor, Jurik, Jurian, Jorn, Jorck, Joran, Joeri, .. 45 more]

.. revived in the 18th century when .. Not Top 2000 names. [Gronwy]


.. the 16th to the 18th century .. Moderately unusual as a boys' name, Griffith is found more often as a last name. [Gutyn, Griffudd, Gruffud, .. 4 more]


.. First used in the 18th century .. Julian has risen in favor as a baby name since the 1960s. [Julyan, Juliano, Jules, .. 5 more]


.. landowners in the 18th and 19th .. Usage of Livingsten and variants was elevated 108 years ago. [Livingstone, Livingsten, .. 1 more]

.. in an early 18th century English .. Scarce as a children's name. [Lothur, Lothario, .. 2 more]

Quick Reference

Summary Index of 18th century names [and variants] for boys.

1. Addison - Lothar
Addison [Ad, Addy, Addie, Adison, Adisson, Addeson], Antioco [Antioch, Antiochus, Antiochos], Augustus [Gus, Guus, Guss, Gussie, Austyn, Austin, ..], Bayard [Bay, Baylen, Bajardo, Baiardo], Bernard [Bernt, Bernis, Bernie, Burnard, Vernados, Bernhardo, ..], Boaz [Boas, Boase], Boone, Boswell, Bradford [Brad, Bradfurd, Braddford], Clinton [Klint, Clint, Clintt], Ephraim [Evron, Yefrem, Ephrym, Ephrim, Ephrem, Ephriam, ..], Fingal [Fin, Finn, Fingall, Fionghall], Galfrid [Gal], Garrick [Garek, Garryk, GarrIk, Garryck, Garreck], George [Ygor, Yuri, Yuriy, Yurik, Yorik, Yorick, ..], Goronwy [Gronwy], Griffith [Guto, Gutyn, Gutun, Gruffud, Gruffydd, Griffudd], Julian [Julio, Julyan, Julius, Julien, Juliano, Julianus, ..], Livingston [Livingsten, Livingstin, Livingstone], Lothar [Lothur, Lother, Lothair, Lothario]

Mather [Matther, Maither], Oisin [Ossin, Ossian], Orville [Orv, Orvil, Orval, Orvell, Orvelle], Oscar [Ozzy, Ossie, Osker, Oskar], Owen [Owin, Ewen, Ewan, Owynn, Owain, Owens], Paine [Pain, Payne], Paisley, Patrick [Pink, Pats, Patty, Patsy, Patton, Patten, ..], Paul [Pol, Poul, Poll, Pawel, Pavlo, Pavlik, ..], Penn [Pen], Pike [Pyke], Ranjit [Ranjeet], Reuben [Ruby, Rube, Rubin, Ruben, Rubino, Rouvin, ..], Rousseau [Russo, Roussell], Rupert [Ruprecht], Seraphim [Seraph, Saraph, Serafin, Serafino, Sarafino, Seraphimus], Sidney [Sid, Syd, Sydney], Simon [Syms, Symon, Symms, Szymon, Simpson, Simonson, ..], Solomon [Sol, Sollie, Soloman, Solaman, Shalmon, Salomone, ..], Stephen [Stevy, Steve, Stevie, Steven, Stevan, Stevenson, ..]

Stuart [Stewart, Steward], Tecumseh, Timothy [Tymon, Tymothy, Tymmothy, Timothey, Tymoteusz, Timotheus, ..], Titus [Tito, Titos], Wedgwood [Wedgewood], Wesley [Wes, Wesly, Westley, Wessley, Westleigh], Wistar [Wister]

Usage comparison for 18th names
